Government Auctions

Since the beginning of this nation, the Government has held public auctions for it’s people. The names and types of auctions may vary, but they all serve one common purpose: to offer new and used merchandise to potential buyers at bargain prices. Today, there are so many different types of government auctions out there, however, this article will attempt to cover the gamut (albeit a large one) and try to explain how they operate. Let us first being with government seized auctions.

The name says it all: seized property auctions and that’s exactly what they are. The items at a government seized auction are goods that have been taken away from criminals because of their ill-gotten gains. Houses, cars, boats, jewelry, and much more could have once been in the possession of one person, but now that they face criminal charges or have already been incarcerated, their loss could potentially be anyone’s gain. All one would have to do is attend a government seized property auction in order to have access to and bid on the aforementioned types of goods. Aside from the wide selection of items you’ll also score some amazing deals that you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else.

Surplus property auctions, like seized auctions, are where you can find a multitude of items at really great prices. There is however, a distinctive difference between the two types. The term surplus means excess, and that’s exactly what most of these items are. Any item the government does not need is sold to the public. Because many of these items are second-hand, they are sold at greatly reduced prices. The government isn’t seeking to make a profit on these goods, they simply want to stretch out our tax dollars by offering them up for sale. Although you can find boats, cars, and even real estate, the items sold at surplus auctions typically aren’t as high in caliber as seized auctions are and the reason for this is simple. Criminals love to buy top of the line goods so that is why you’ll be able to find the best cars, fur coats, homes, and jewelry around.

When people think of government auctions, they typically think of a live auction where potential bidders are huddled around and listening diligently to one man or woman speaking faster than the speed of light. Well contrary to popular belief, this isn’t always the case. Online government auctions are also available and are extremely convenient for anyone looking to partake in a seized or surplus auction. Not only will you have a wide selection of goods to choose from like at a live auction, but anyone who understands how a website like eBay works can really appreciate the convenience of an online auction.