Your Mind Is Like a Guitar

I’m always impressed by the engineering involved with musical instruments.

Take a guitar, for example.

A few simple strings, each of which looks pretty similar to the naked eye.

A hole, opening to a large cavity.

Yet everything is so precise and meticulous that, together, it can create beauty. Making the strings vibrate can produce reliable and loud noises.

It’s amazing.

And, in a way, your mind works the same way. A few thoughts, like a few strings, can harmonise together to change the world beyond what it can reach.

Your mind, like a guitar, can translate simple inputs into beautiful, far-reaching outputs through one simple concept:


These aren’t random sounds. Music works because of how these sounds come together. Each tone links to the other in mathematical patterns our brains can detect, even if we don’t consciously understand how they go together.

Ideas can resonate too.

You can have a high-level concept. It could be ‘love’ or ‘service’ or something else wonderful.

This is what your affirmations, when done right, will get you more of.

But the satisfaction that comes from helping others – the idea of service – isn’t something you can buy, steal or harvest.

It’s linked to other ideas, though – like caring for the elderly, perhaps, or maybe providing essential services to an often neglected community.

Those, too, are ideas – and they’re linked to other things and each other.

It’s through these webs in our minds that a simple action – like cooking someone a meal – can trigger such profound emotions within us.

Our ideas, feelings, actions and virtues all feed into each other.

At least, they should. If you’ve ever acted against your own values, or done something you know was stupid, you know how rough that’ll be.

When you work in harmony with these, though?

Well, that’s why affirmations can feel so darn good. The action of writing out a simple sentence can resonate, stimulating your intellectual and emotional selves.

If it doesn’t give you a buzz, then you might be doing it wrong. Or maybe you’re just wired a little differently – that’s okay too. But if anything is going to feel strangely blissful, it’s a well-engineered affirmation.

This might be the only test worth doing to see if your affirmation is worthy. Does it appeal to you intellectually and emotionally? Does it align with your vision and your morality?

If not, it’s time to rethink it.

If it does, though?

Feel free to enjoy it… and let it spur you towards more meaningful actions that also align.