Getting Belongings Back From an Ex

Getting belongings back from an ex can be really hard or it can be very easy. This depends on whether you broke up with him or her, or your ex broke up with you. If you were the one to break up with you girlfriend of boyfriend, and you have ended up hurting them a lot, chances are that you will not be getting anything back. Your things are probably in thousands of piece, waiting in the trash to be transported to the city dump. If, however, you ex was the one to break up with you, things shouldn’t be that hard. He or she will probably want to get rid of your stuff anyways.

There are a few ways of getting belongings back from an ex. The first one is to go over and get your stuff yourself. Now you can either call before you go to get them or you can arrive unannounced. Calling before you can be tough, especially if your ex does not want to talk to you and is screening his or her calls. If this is the case, you can leave your ex a text massage saying that you want your stuff back and when you will go over his or her house to get it. If there is something that you really want back, make sure that you include in the text message.

Doing that may turn out to be the wrong move, because if your ex finds out how much you care about something he or she may break it to pieces just to make you angry. If you believe that something like this may happen, you should show up at your ex’s house unannounced. There is a chance of a huge fight involving a lot of screaming but at least there is a bigger chance that you get your belongings back undestroyed.

The second way of getting belongings back from an ex is to ask one of your friends to get them for you. This will be less awkward for you and it will more peaceful. Your ex may end up yelling at your friend, but if he or she is your true friend, they will be willing to take one for you. Separations are sometimes messy and the sooner you get your stuff back and get this whole process over with the better. If you have only left stuff that you don’t care about with your ex, you may consider not wanting them back at all.

The reason for this is that if your ex girlfriend or boyfriend wants revenge, you can get a toothbrush that has been dipped in the toilette or other belongings with undesired bodily fluids. If the stuff is not that important my advice is that you don’t even bother to ask back for them.

You can decide about the way that you will be getting belongings back from an ex. It will depend on your judgment and hopefully you will be over soon and without any unnecessary problems.