Bird Dust – 3 Ways to Effectively Remove Bird Dust From Your Air

All birds create some dust or powder, but there are some bird species that create a lot more of it than others. Breathing this dust constantly is not healthy for you or your bird. Here are 3 ways to effectively remove bird dust from your air and create a healthier lifestyle for you and your bird.

Research Bird Species

All birds are not created equal when it comes to the amount of bird dust they produce. The dustier species such as Cockatiels, Cockatoos, and African Greys produce this dust or powder as a by-product of building healthy wing structure. If you have not already decided on a bird, consider Quakers, Lorikeets, Eclectus, Parrotlet, Budgies, Conures, Amazons, and Macaws which are naturally prone to produce less dust.

Clean the Cage Regularly

Frequent cleaning of the cage by removing soiled paper, damp mopping the inside of the cage, and cleaning the area around the outside of the cage will help reduce the dust, feathers, and dander. Cleaning the cage regularly will also make the bird room a nicer place to be, and will improve your bird’s health by constantly removing feathers and dust that are easily airborne. These can clog your bird’s air passages and cause respiratory problems as bacteria and viruses (especially psittacosis) attach to and enable transmission of respiratory diseases. Removing airborne particles of all sizes reduces that risk.

Use an Air Purifier to Remove Bird Dust

An air purifier placed in the room with your bird is an excellent solution for removing airborne pollutants such as bird dust, and feathers, as well as sub-micron size particles like bacteria and viruses that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Removing these pollutants while they are still airborne means both you and your family enjoy cleaner air, a healthier lifestyle, with more time to enjoy your bird, and less time cleaning.