The Nutritional Benefits of Organic Produce

Consumers are becoming more concerned about what they put in their bodies, and with all the synthetic materials used to produce food these days it is not surprising that most people insist on buying organic produce.

Organic produce are grown with a limited amount or no pesticides, herbicides and insecticides. Livestock are reared without using growth hormones or antibiotics and organic food is very heavily regulated.

The question still remains on whether or not organic produce has more nutritional benefits.

Organic produce have much higher nutrient levels than non-organic produce such as higher levels of Vitamin C, trace minerals and phytonutrients. Eating organic is also safer in that most of it is grown without the use of pesticides. The use of pesticides in non-organic produce is a major concern as far as the development of children is concerned as they need to consume more food to sustain their developing bodies. It is also not certain what effect the antibiotics and growth hormones used in non-organic farming has on growing children.

By removing preservatives and artificial coloring from food you will also contribute to your child not being hyperactive and additives are prohibited in the production of it.

Organic milk has been proven to contain more vitamins, omega 3, anti-oxidants and CLA than non-organic milk making organic milk of a much higher quality and therefore more healthy when consumed by humans.

1. You Will Get More Nutrition from Organic Produce
It will provide your body with more nutrition and the vitamins, minerals and antioxidant you need to fight diseases simply because it is grown by means of preventive farming that allows the soil to rebuild and feed the crops with vitamins and minerals without having to add these to the soil artificially.

2. Consuming Organic Produce can Prevent Allergies
It is farmed without using toxic chemicals or industrial fertilizers and pesticides. The chemicals used in non-organic farming are responsible for many allergies and by eating organic you are lowering your risk of allergies and also diseases like cancer.

3. Contains No Genetically Modified Ingredients
Nobody is in actual fact certain how safe genetic modification is and by buying and eating it you will not have to worry that your food has been genetically modified.

4. Tastes Better
You will have to taste it to believe it. Try eating organic produce and measure the taste against that of non-organic food and you will see for yourself that it just tastes a whole lot better.

Apart from the nutritional benefits of eating organic there is also the added benefit in knowing that the food you are eating did not contribute to water, soil and air pollution. With the production of organic produce such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products you are also assured that the animals were treated well and not left in confined cages to simply become food machines.