Slow Computer Windows XP? Get a Faster Windows XP in 15 Minutes

What should you do about a slow computer Windows XP? Actually making your PC faster is not all that complicated.

I’m going to go out on a limb you don’t just want the “standard” advice. Do a search on the internet and the typical tips to speed up your system will be to “get rid of programs you aren’t using”… “defragmenting”… and even “buying more memory”.

Don’t get me wrong-these do occasionally work

But most times they don’t. If you’ve tried these tips and met with no success, here is the “secret” to fixing your computer NOW…

Fix the “Registry”

The Registry is basically the “control center” of the system. This is where your system gets all the data needed on how to use all the programs and files on the system.

In other words–without this–your PC is rendered useless. So the “key” to making your computer faster is having a well-performing registry. If this doesn’t work well, a “slow computer Windows XP” is virtually a guaranteed byproduct.

So why does it stop working?

Because the bigger it gets, the longer it takes your Registry to look through the files and find what it’s looking for.

What makes it bigger?

Downloading more files. If your machine has to look through hundreds of files to find what it’s looking for, problems are inevitable.

This is when even something as simple as changing the screensaver can become a nightmarish task.

So what should you do?

You basically have to continually “clean” the registry to make sure you don’t have any unnecessary files that slow things down. This is not a one-shot deal-you need to constantly do this if you want a well-performing PC.

How much do cleaners cost?

Most are under $40–so you don’t have to break the bank to get one.

The bottom line-I I would STRONGLY recommend you fix the Registry before doing anything else for making your computer faster. This is how to fix a slow computer Windows XP NOW.