6 Weight Loss Super Tips So You Can Lose That Gut and Be Ready to Wear That Bikini by Summer

We all know that summer is coming up and we all want to look good in that bikini, here are 6 weight loss super tips to help us do just that.

-Say NO to MILK-

If you want to have success in your weight loss you must lower you fat intake. One way to do this is by milk substitution. Milk Products are just counter productive to weight loss. You are basically drinking FAT. YUCK. Switch to soy or even the better tasting rice milk for your cereal in the morning.

-Ancient Chinese Secret huh?-

Another helpful thinking you can do, is Drink Green Tea instead of coffee or soda. Although there are many unsubstantiated claims about the super health benefits of Green Tea, i.e. cures cancers and world peace (NOT) but it is true that Green Tea boosts your metabolism and also helps your fat burning mechanism. Keeping that mechanism in full production is very beneficial to your weight loss success. keep the fire burning in order to literally melt off the weight.

-Stay Hydrated –

Of course, you must drink lots of water, around 6-to 8 glasses a day to be exact. We all know that water is good for us, so I am not going to go into much detail but this also keeps you fat burning mechanism going and it is said that you can burn calories around 3% faster. it is also great to drink water to minimize your food cravings.

-Add Lemon For Zest-

Another super weight loss trick is to drink HOT lemon water in the morning. Lemon stirs up the acidity in your digestive system which gets your fat burning mechanism primed and ready for action. Now when you eat that healthy breakfast, low in sugar and higher in fiber of course, you will keep your metabolism moving.

-Include lower fat source proteins-

Eat lower fat source proteins whenever possible. Chicken, Fish and Low Fat Cottage cheese are the ones I have found most helpful in my own experience.

-Turtle Chewing 101-

Slow and steady win the race they say and this applies to how you eat as well. SLOOOOOOw doooooownnn when you chew your food. this will give your brain a chance to realize when the stomach is full. This is not possibly when you are just gorging down on your food. SLOW DOWN WABBIT!

By sticking to these simple shop and eat weight loss tips, You will be able to shed those unwanted pounds off by summer. Just think of how they will all drool over your new body.