Make Money Online Writing

Are you a good writer? Do you have a topic you can write a lot about? How does publishing content that pays you over and over sound? Yes you can make money online writing. This article will lay out the options you have.

Get paid directly for your content

Most writers are used to thinking of the content they produce as the product they are selling. There are ways to make money online writing by selling your content to a publisher. With the mind boggling amount of content being created on the Internet every day there are tons of opportunities to sell your copy.

One place to sell your content is in online article directories that pay. They don’t pay a lot for an article, but it’s also a good way to advertise your work. If you have a website for your writing business, you can advertise it in the article resource box.

Another place to sell your content is through freelancing websites. There are a number of websites that connect freelancers of various skills with people who need and are willing to pay for their services. People needing to hire out some work will post their projects on the site. Freelancers have the opportunity to place a bid on the project by submitting a proposal. You can sometimes land high paying writing jobs that way. One challenge you will face is a lot of competition from writers willing to charge less than $5.00 per article.

You can also publish your content on websites that compensate you based on how many clicks the ads around your article get. You can even earn some ad click revenue on your own website if you already get a lot of traffic.

Use your content to generate indirect residual income

This option presents more initial risk because it usually involves publishing your content for free. However, the earning potential is orders of magnitude higher than with direct selling of your content. The way to have your content generating true residual income is to use it for Internet marketing.

Internet marketers are some of the most prolific writers, writing and publishing even more words than the most dedicated novel writers in November!

Internet marketing simply means using the Internet to promote and sell affiliate products where you earn a commission on each sale. Here’s how it works and where writing fits in.

First you pick a niche or a topic that you can stand to write hundreds of articles about. Then you choose one or more relevant affiliate products to market. The easiest way to locate affiliate products is to enter your product idea + affiliate in the Google search box and then sort through the results.

Next you build a website full of helpful information about your topic. You target your content to keywords interested visitors are likely to search under.

Finally you publish informative articles that also target relevant keywords and which direct readers to the most relevant page on your site. You publish lots of articles. Each one will generate a bit of traffic to your site, and a certain percentage of that traffic will buy your product.

Once you have your articles out there, they remain and send visitors to your site day after day for a long time. This is how your content generates a residual income.

Internet marketing is not difficult to learn, but it does consist of specific skills you’ll need to get trained on and practice.

If this is the way you’d like to make money online writing, your next step is to begin your online marketing education.