Saw Palmetto And Prostate Medicine

When you talk about the subjects of saw palmetto and prostate medicine, and deciding which is better and going to give more relief, there are pros and cons to both.

Here’s what I mean:

Generally speaking (and this is not always the case every time, I am completely generalizing here) prostate medicine — assuming we are talking about prescription medicine — will work faster, and bring quicker relief than a natural remedy like saw palmetto. Especially since, in many ways, it is not even necessarily the best natural remedy you can get.

So the time factor comes into play.

This is important, obviously, if you are experiencing a lot of pain due to BPH or prostatitis.

On the other hand, what natural options have, that many prescription medicines don’t, is no side effects. There may be some people who can’t handle natural supplements, herbs, etc. But mostly, they tend to be free of side effects (although they may interact negatively with other prescription drugs — so always consult a doctor before taking any medication — natural or pharmaceutical).

What else do you have to consider when talking about natural remedies like saw palmetto and prostate medicine (the pharmaceutical kind)?

What about price?

Again, mostly something that is over the counter will be cheaper than prescription strength (unless, of course, your insurance pays for it, then the opposite is true).

Anyway, those are a couple things to consider.

If you are going to decide between saw palmetto and prostate medicine you have to get by prescription, it helps to know the pros and cons, so you can make the best decision that works for your lifestyle, budget and tolerance for side effects.