Simple Steps System That Will Guarantee Your Success

How To Bypass The Enemies To Your Success

If you’ve been following this series so far, you know that I identified 12 enemies that are determined to scuttle your dream to become successful in the last installment. And I told you there was a 13th one: the ones you discovered yourself which I didn’t know about.

Alright. So, how do you outwit these destiny destroyers? I won’t kid you, it’s not an easy task! I have been deploying all the weapons at my disposal to get rid of them permanently from my life. But that is a burning desire that I’m yet to completely overcome in my own life.

So, I’m beginning to think that eliminating them totally may not even be a goal I should pursue. Neutralizing them each time they rear their ugly heads may be a better strategy to adopt. I’m winning that battle hands down. So let me share the strategy I use with you.

The first step is to have a definite purpose, a life’s chief aim, if you like. With that firmly in place, the second step is to get connected to your Source. Don’t worry if this definite purpose and Source thing sound new to you. I will take time to explain both of them in detail.

But those are the two things really that you need to disarm those stubborn enemies of your success. Here’s how to acquire these awesome success guarantors and, even better, how to deploy them effectively to insulate you from the destiny destroyers.

Definite Purpose

What does this mean? It means, simply, looking straight down the road that leads to your future and deciding that come rain, come sun, this is how you’d like to live the rest of your life and this is what you’d like to accomplish in the process. And then sticking to that goal, no matter the obstacles you meet on the way.

It’s a choice you make deliberately after a deep meditation or, as one dictionary puts it, “an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions.”

Looks simple and straight forward, right? But it’s only deceptively so. Choosing a purpose and sticking to it to the end, in spite of the many odds you’ll encounter on the way, is not an easy undertaking. Not in my own experience. I guess that is why most people have problem with it.

So what do you need to do to get it right? You’ll require the skills of a sculptor, the mastery of an actor, and the creativity of an architect all rolled together or, to use a term that is most commonly employed to describe what I’m trying to pass across to you, a visionary. Yes, someone who can dream.

You’ve got to be able to see the end of the journey before you embark on it: the Roll Royce and Jaguar sports cars in your garage, the ability to pay cash for items priced N15 million with a snap of your fingers, just like that; plan a vacation to exotic places flying first class; live in a luxurious villa with maids and servants at your beck and call; be responsible for the education of hundreds of indigent students in your community, a shoulder that widows and aged can lean on and find comfort.

Now, you’re not only going to be picturing the good things of life that you will enjoy when you arrive at that destination. You’ll also take time to see yourself rendering quality service to humanity which will enable them, in return, hand over raw cash to you in appreciation of the quality service you’re rendering to them.

It’s already looking like an impossible dream to you isn’t it? Usually, that is the way it looks when you’re yet to experience it. But hang on to that picture long enough, and you’ll soon start to see yourself actually doing those things in real life.

I mean, each time those destiny destroyers try to stop you, like say procrastination is trying to stop you from doing what you know you have to do to go to the next level, you will quickly refocus your attention on the picture of luxury that you’d earlier visualized.

What procrastination is trying to do here is to stop you from achieving this dream, to scuttle it altogether. But once the picture comes alive in your mind, and you know that that is what you really want and not the pain and misery that procrastination is trying to burden you with, then you will be able to determinedly get up and do that task, whatever it may be. And you would’ve moved another step closer to your destination.

Just like that, you say? Yes, just like that. But it won’t work if you don’t have a relationship with GOD — the Source of all that is.

In the next edition, I’ll share with you how to connect with that Source and stay connected.