Public Companies, Good or Bad?

Can we live in a world without public companies? The world is predicated on public companies because Wall Street is the main reason behind the success of the world. Can you make a #1 company without going public? It’s a possibility because one has nothing to do with the other when generating success. The main focus is the positive or negative impact of a public company.

When you go public a positive impact is important for the economy. The best companies in the world usually focus on investments or banking. You can experiment with products like Apple but it requires so much creativity to remain at the top. When Apple was in the late 90’s they were not a relevant company until Steve Jobs made the company more successful. Apple will probably not last beyond 2020 as a top company because hi tech technology is becoming easily accessible and Apple has been exposing their best products as well as their worst.

Public companies who have a negative impact on the economy are usually restaurants and retail. Restaurants and retail are responsible for the highest turnover ratios than any other industry. When too many restaurants fail banks lose a ton of money therefore affecting Wall Street. McDonald’s restaurant has been on the decline since their quality of food has diminished. The scenario of McDonald’s restaurant collapsing will be devastating for the economy.

Private companies like the NBA, NFL and other sports leagues have done nothing but hurt the economy in more ways than one they have created massive inflation in contract. When you sign an athlete to a $100 million contract and the star gets injured you lose all value. When you have the most success it’s usually when you have short term deals to get of lost value. Private companies have bolstered the economy in value but have done nothing in order to accomplish the main goals of a world economy.

Public versus private should not be a discussions since companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Dell and etc. have done a great job of propelling globalization. When you have a public company you are likely to be position all across the globe. Positioning is key when you want to make the most bang for buck. Globalization has its downside when you consider how much taxes you have to pay overseas. Overseas marketing has been known change based on the market.

A public company is the ideal choice because of the world impact, but it can cause an economic collapse simultaneously. When you make the most of your opportunities it is important to make an informed decision on global impact. Going public or staying private is the choice of the C.E.O. Good luck!