Furnace Repair Methods to Keep Winter Energy Bills Low

For those looking for ways to lower their energy bills this winter, they may only need to look at their heating and cooling system. The heating system is used quite frequently during this time of year and can be the source of high electricity bills. Whether the problem is furnace repair or air leaks, there are some easy and inexpensive steps that all homeowners can take to decrease the energy bill this season.

Relocate the Thermostat

In many homes, the thermostat is located in a central place, such as in the kitchen or a large, open living room. This can often cause the thermostat to turn on and off based on the temperature in that particular room. Bedrooms are often warmer during the winter season because of their smaller size. Consider having the thermostat relocated to a smaller room in the home to reduce energy bills. There are also portable thermostats available that can be controlled from any room in the house.

Seal Air Leaks

Cold air entering the home through unsealed leaks can significantly increase a monthly energy bill during the winter months. These leaks are often mistaken as a problem with the heating system, which ends up in unneeded furnace repair charges. Ensure door frames, chimney, and ceilings are properly sealed. Use caulk to seal any visible cracks on non-moving surfaces, including where window frames meet the house structure. Also, make sure to check the weather stripping in exterior door frames for damage, and replace as needed. These small repairs can add up quickly and have a positive impact on the overall efficiency of a home.

Reduce Thermostat at Night

Lowering the thermostat in the colder months is always an ideal way to keep the energy bill at a reasonable rate. Instead of leaving the heat on a high temperature overnight, utilize electric blankets or other heating methods to keep the home comfortable.

Have the System Maintained Regularly

One of the best ways to keep energy bills down is to make sure the system is maintained on a regular basis. Furnace repair and maintenance should be done well in advance of the winter. There may be instances in which the system does not switch on and off as it should, and instead remains on constantly. This can lead to costly furnace repair bills, not to mention a high energy bill.

Keeping an eye on the home’s heating system is an ideal way to save money this winter. Whether a furnace repair is needed or a simple change in thermostat location, taking a few simple steps can save significant cash on monthly energy bills.