Themed Chess Sets – The Hundred Years War

These Hundred Years War themed chess sets recreate history spanning over 100 years, this war that was associated with control over France was spotted with periods of peace before it came to it’s finally in 1453. Under King Henry II, England held as much land in France as the French King had control over. However this was changing and the French were claiming more and more territory and English were fleeing to the England they were loyal to.

One of the most significant figures of the war was Frances own Joan of Arc. She was only sixteen years old but insisted that she saw visions heaven. Her leadership was quite powerful and under her influence the French were able to take back portions of their land from 1429 to 1430. The English troops were pulling back and retreating. In 1430 Joan was captured and held captive in the Tower of Rouen awaiting her trial. She attempted to escape several times from her prison. Typically, prisoners of war are typically held for ransom; however Joan came from a poor peasant family. The King was criticized for not stepping in to assist. Joan was then tried and executed. Her crime was ‘heresy’ or an unorthodox change to a belief system. Joan was executed for dressing as a man in 1431.

The Hundred Years War chess set comes complete with Joan of Arc in a mans battle gear acting as the queen for the French side. The knight wore armor and carried shield complete with their coat of armor on their shields. This collectable set includes castles with towers like the one that served as Joan’s prison, the Kings of their countries in Royal robes and men on horseback ready to go into battle. It’s a step back in time, to the medieval times, and a war that changed the face of Europe. Enjoy a piece of history in your home with this beautiful themed chess set and all its rich history.