Yikes – I Am Getting Older

The day will come when we wake up to the reality that we are older, past the prime of life and start to live on our pension. How many of us give this some serious thought as more years are added to our personal calendar? We are trying to live our lives to the fullest, celebrate life and enjoy more good times. Life is a party.

Age is just a number- so most people think and believe. But- like it or not, getting old is more than just a number.

Reality caught up with me. One morning, getting up gave me the shock of my life. My knees didn’t want to move like they always did. I felt a pain- my patella was telling me it’s about time I get checked for arthritis. I suspected something like this, but I was in denial. The pain has bothered me for sometime but it’s probably the weather, or I walked too far yesterday, or something.

Next came the eyesight. First thing in the morning, I have to reach for those eyeglasses before I can get moving. For several years, I avoided driving at night. I now accept that fact realistically. Unless it’s an emergency, I will not drive at night.

We all love food. There was a time my stomach can digest almost anything, hot and spicy food, dessert loaded with rich and gooey stuff, junk food and snacks. Add to this all that bubbly, sudsy drinks and endless cups of caffeine. Sadly, almost everything that tastes good is bad for you. But, there was a time that did not matter. But as I get older, I have to narrow down the choice of food lest I flirt with embarrassing bloating and gas.

What about energy level? It comes but does not stay as long as it used to. Gone are the days when I get up in the morning, rush to the shower, prepare breakfast and even watch the morning news while getting all these tasks done. Now in retirement, I need time to “wake “up, get that coffee brewing all in slow motion. Breakfast has to wait till I am fully awake. Then I have to sort out the morning pills. What a routine.

Did I say pills? There is a pill for every ache and pain. There is endless selection of supplements, natural remedies and all the hype about herbal remedies for every malady- almost.

Vanity is not just for the younger generation. Keeping a youthful look is a multimillion-dollar industry. There are a wide variety of choices to keep the face looking young. Remember the commercial: How old do you think I am? I thought this was very funny. Not anymore.

There is a formula to hide those wrinkles- any wrinkle in the face, neck and throat. There are creams to keep those bags under the eyes out of sight, to control the lines around the eyes.

Oh yes, there are all kinds of solutions to keep the human body looking young- from chemicals to the needle or worst, under the knife. There are natural help like massage, exercise and other physical activities.

What about standing in front of the refrigerator and not remember what you are looking for? The memory is slowing down.

Isn’t the 60’s the new 40’s? In many ways, the boomer generation looks younger and shows more vigor and vitality than there forebears at the same age.

Getting older has advantages. It is a time to pursue dreams and hobbies. It is not too late to travel, to see the world, Developing long forgotten hobbies can be rewarding. Social life can be broadened, party time can be extended beyond 1AM. It can go on for a couple of days. You have all the time to get rested.

Time can be spent leisurely yet productively. Now I have more time to read and tend to my garden.With the advances in technology, social networks bring people from distances closer together.

The internet can be helpful in keeping one well informed about what goes on around the world. There are websites that offer information about growing old gracefully, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The most important thing as we get older is our health. Make your health a lifetime commitment that should start in youth. There is a lot more to the “golden ” years than a rocking chair.