The Real Reason Women Are Addicted to Drama

It is no surprise. Women are just that addicted to drama. For some reason, women are attracted to this and many men are baffled as per why the female population just goes gaga over drama.

It is true that women already get a lot of drama from television and from the shows that they watch. They could also go find some novels and get a load of such from there as well. However, it seems like there is nothing that could satiate their thirst and desire for this that they would even choose to live life with a lot of drama.

Men are not into this. In fact, as much as possible, they would like to stay away from it. However, it seems like drama is always a part of being a woman. And when women want too much of this in their lives, it can actually ruin what otherwise would have been a perfectly good relationship. There are even married couples who go their separate ways because of this.

So what can you do now to make sure that your relationship with this girl does not go down the drain even with her drama and all? Well, you can try and understand her drama first. It is not a secret that the great women in history have used drama to be able to make men do just what they would like them to do.

Oh yes. Do not be surprised. It has worked in the past and it still definitely works now. Did you know that Cleopatra used it? Even Joan of Arc and Marilyn Monroe have used it to get what they want. Sure, drama may be annoying but it works for the female population.

Come to think of it, a woman is pretty much vulnerable and quite fragile compared to men. Men can be physically strong and they can overpower a woman if they would choose to. However, with just a little acting on the end of the woman and a man would be giving that woman the attention that she wants. A little command on her end would have the men scampering about to do her orders. Oh yes. All she needs is give a little pout or maybe shed some tears. She can also use other emotions like be angry or maybe be upset.

This is what you call the “damsel in distress”. Women have been using this technique for ages! And still, men fall for it. The very reason is that men are just not ready to see women sad or angry or hurt. They do not want them to be upset or even disappointed. So to see her happy, he would do anything in his power to make her smile again. And women know this. That is why she continues to use drama in her daily life.

Do not be upset if you have realized that women have used this power on you. See, most guys fall for it. It is only the bad boys who seem to repel this power. But how come they get the dates the most?

See, women may use drama to get their way. But she would rather go for a man who does not obey her wishes too often. Remember that women get bored easily and if she knows that when she tells you to jump, you will jump, then she will use that and would get bored with you.

So learn how to repel this power of women. Give in from time to time but never bend to her will each time she uses it.