WoW Gold Farming Tips

If you haven’t the cash to spend on guides that promise to help you improve your gold farming then here’s a little something to help you out. In this article, you’ll find various WoW Gold Farming tips which ought to keep you from worrying about going broke. Now, there are various places in the World of Warcraft that are considered to be the best and most suitable for Gold Farming. Here’s a quick rundown of these places:

Azshara – Now, there are two ways of approaching this. You can forego any risks and simply kill as many blood elves as you can. Every kill you make would provide you with cash and rune cloth which are both sellable for a decent amount of profit at the auction house. Now, if you don’t mind the risk then you should try going for the demons because these will drop more gold when compared to the elves. They are a lot harder to kill, however but if you succeed, you get plenty of gold and occasionally, some pretty epic items as well.

Eastern Plaguelands – Head to undercroft and there you’ll find plenty of zombies for the kill. Every zombie kill would provide you with a good amount of gold. In some cases, they could also drop rare items so it’s definitely worth a try.

Dire Maul Tribute – This is another great spot for WoW Gold Farming but you are most likely going to require the help of a group because this zone can be pretty challenging. There are guides available that would walk you through the process of tribute runs in Dire Maul but it is recommended that you go with a group as it would make everything easier and safer for everybody involved.

Stratholme – When visited with a group, Gold Farming would take you no more than 30 minutes and you can loads of it here. There are guides available which should teach you how you can avoid all the mob fights thus allowing you to focus more on Gold Farming and nothing else.

Uldaman – Make your way to Dig Three where you’ll meet Galgann Firehammer. Defeat him and you would be able to get a couple of different items which you can easily disenchant.

So there you have it, just a few tips to help you out when it comes to WoW Gold Farming.