About Laughter

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

One of the most used ways to develop positive relations with others, to give a ripple of partialism (or subjectivity) to a conversation and to define intentions concerning society is laughter. This is a reaction that is specific to humans being regulated by the brain. There is a special science that studies laughter – gelotology.

Laughter is a physiological and audible reaction. When we laugh our brain sends signals to our body so that we start moving our arms and our facial muscles are contracting. Laughing is an expression of joy and pleasure and it can start from stimuli like tickling or a joke.

Doctor Robert Provine studied the sonic structure of laughter and he observed that it is made of sounds like “hi-hi-hi” and “ho-ho-ho”( but never the mixture of these two), repeated every 210 milliseconds. He says that laughter is a mechanism that everyone has and even there are thousands of languages everybody laughs in a pretty much the same way; you don’t need a dictionary to understand laugh. He thinks that everybody can laugh – babies have this ability a lot of time before they can speak. He proved that humans can “detect” these sounds and they respond to laughter by activating some specific circuits in the brain so they start laughing. This is how Doctor Provine explain why laughter is contagious.

It is proved that men and women take jokes differently. Some scientists took 10 woman and 10 men and they put them to watch 10 cartoons while they were supervising their brains. They observed that variations existed on what appeared to be funny to women and men – however a lot of the things funny to men are also funny to women. The culture in which we are raised has a lot to say about that.

Laughter has an analgesic effect for the body. Doctors think that laughter brings about the secretion of endorphins in blood. It is said that laughter is a very strong muscle-relaxing method, which relieves pain. There are a lot of humor therapy courses that are used to improve quality of life, release pain, encourage relaxation and reduce stress.

The most important “utilization” of laughter is that it is used to cure cancer. Doctors say that laughter increases breathing so it involves using more oxygen, and a higher heart rate. Many hospitals have now special rooms where humorous materials are placed to help people relax.

So, laughter is not used only to help people interact better as a part of a group, but is also very good for health. It makes life much more beautiful and worth living!