The Benefits of Amaranth and Why It Should Be Planted in Your Garden

The benefits of Amaranth and why is should be planted in your garden is as follows:

1. Amaranth is gluten-free and contains many of the same minerals as whole-grain wheat. This makes it a great choice for people who are gluten intolerant and a great way to boost nutritional value to your recipes.

2. Amaranth is a great source of protein. The protein content of Amaranth is about 13 percent or 26 grams per cup. This is much higher than most other grains.

3. Amaranth is also a great source of fiber with about 13 grams of fiber per uncooked cup.

4. Amaranth greens are an excellent source of vitamins. They are loaded with vitamin K which keeps your cardiovascular system healthy. They are also supercharged with calcium and potassium and provide plenty of folate and some vitamin B6. The leaves of an Amaranth are commonly used in Asian and Caribbean cuisines. They are good stir-fried or chopped and added to soups.

6. The plant is very hardy to grow. Amaranth can be grown at almost any elevation in temperate climates if the soil is moist and loose with good drainage. Once the plant is established and growing it can survive in low-water conditions.

7. Amaranth can also be grown as a mircogreen. They are easy to start and very colorful. They can brighten up any salad with its mild flavor and attractive red color.

What does Amaranth look like? It is an annual plant that is moderately tall (about the size of a corn plant) and broad-leafed. There are many species of amaranth and a large number of varieties within the species. They come in all sizes, shapes and colors.

Direct sow seeds once the soil temperature has reached around 70 degrees F. One gram of seed will sow 50 feet of row and an acre requires about one pound of seed.

When harvesting Amaranth, pick individual leaves as needed for greens. Younger greens are great for salad and older greens are better cooked as a substitute for spinach. As far as the seeds go, the best way to determine harvest time is to gently but briskly shake or rub the flower heads between your hands to see if the seeds fall readily. The best time to harvest the amaranth grain is 3 to 7 days after a hard frost. The birds will also give you an idea as to when to harvest as they will start spending a lot of time in your garden feasting as well. If I have a lot left over grain, or have more than I can harvest, I also feed my chickens the grain. Chickens love Amaranth.

After harvesting it is important to dry your crop to ensure it will not mold while in storage. You can either lay the grain out on trays in the hot sun, or placed near an indoor heat source. After they are dried, store the seeds in an air-tight container in a cool dry place or a refrigerator. The grain should last up to 6 months.