Choosing the Right Wheatgrass Juicer

So you are determined to start eating right and staying healthy and the purchase of a wheatgrass juicer just may assist you.

Although a wheatgrass juicer is similar to any fruit or vegetable juicer available today, they have a more powerful motor (or if you want you can purchase a manual one) which has been specifically designed to extract the juice from the Wheatgrass.

In recent years Wheatgrass juicers have become more popular as Wheatgrass is now considered to be one of the best sources for obtaining a high amount of vitamins and minerals for inclusion in a healthy diet. The main content of Wheatgrass is chlorophyll (70%) which is considered to be the blood of this plant and it closely resembles the molecular structure of human red blood cells, which helps to make it effective in improving the body’s resistance to illnesses.

Many experts are saying that 1lb of Wheatgrass provides the nutritional value of 23lb’s of fresh fruit and vegetables. But because of its fibrous nature the only way it can be consumed is in liquid form and therefore that is why we have seen a rise in the popularity of the Wheatgrass juicer.

When looking to purchase a Wheatgrass juicer one should be looking for one with a powerful motor, may be the Wheateena Marvel Red Label juicer. Not only does this one boast a 177rpm motor, but it also has a self feeding tube and also provides you with continuous pulp removal. It comes in a compact size and has a quiet yet powerful motor and is produced in the USA.

However, if you want something that may not break the bank, price wise you could look at the Miracle MJ-550ss electric Wheatgrass juicer. This has a 220 watt motor and is also idea for juicing fruits and vegetables as well.

When you have got your Wheatgrass juicer home, you will need to start looking for some tasty recipes, which you can add your wheatgrass juice to, such as combining with other vegetables to produce a tasty and healthy drink.