MLM Recruiting Mistakes

MLM recruiting is one of the most important skills you can take the time to master if you are serious about creating true financial freedom through network marketing.

MLM recruiting is a complete process. It is not just one step. It includes everything from establishing contact with prospects, building a relationship with them, presenting your opportunity, and following up and collecting their decision about joining your team. If any part of this complete process is weak or missing, your results will be reduced dramatically.

Here are the four major MLM recruiting blunders I see network marketers make…and more importantly, how to solve each one.

1. Not exposing enough new people to your business on a continuous basis. This is by far the biggest one. In fact, when I am mentoring team members who are not having the success they had hoped for, this is almost always the number one problem I see and the first one we fix.

2. Trying to recruit the wrong kind of people. One of the most common reasons people in our industry fail is that they direct their efforts at people who are not even interested in or right for a network marketing opportunity. It’s not just how many new people you find each week, but also the kind of people. Most networkers need to get comfortable at recruiting up to higher caliber people.

3. Relying on old-school sponsoring techniques such as making a list of friends and family members to approach with the business, dragging people to Thursday night opportunity meetings at the local hotel, purchasing lousy business opportunity telephone leads and spending countless hours each week cold-calling them, or driving all over town putting up flyers or signs. These techniques typically result in networkers not exposing enough new people to their business and prospecting the wrong kind of people.

4. Being unprepared for effective recruiting once they do have a good prospect. It’s amazing how many networkers really miss this one. They focus all of their energy on finding prospects, but fail to realize that is only the first step of the complete process. If you are not properly prepared to complete all steps in the process, it really doesn’t matter how many new prospects you find.

The ultimate solution to all of these challenges is using one of the good systems available online, taking the time to get properly trained to use it, and applying diligent, consistent effort following that system. And when you use the right system, most of the process can even be automated.

Anyone can become an expert at MLM recruiting.