Magnetic Pain Relief – Fact Or Fiction?

The word ‘magnet’ is thought to have originated in Ancient Greece when a Greek shepherd, called Magnes, found magnetic stones (loadstones), placed in his sandals, helped to combat fatigue whilst walking long distances. As far back as 4BC, Chinese medical texts described how loadstones (magnets) could relieve pain when placed on the acupuncture points of the body. At that time it was also reported that Cleopatra wore these magnetic loadstones on her forehead to prevent aging and maintain her beauty. Early Hindu teachings also refer to the healing power of loadstones.

In 1777, the Canon of Verneuil-sur-Seine, Abbe Le Noble, presented his study of the benefits of magnetism in treating diseases to the Society Royale de Medicine. After extensive study they issued a report supporting Abbe’s findings and the use of magnets became widespread throughout Europe.

It is only over the last 100 years that the use of magnets for pain relief has declined – probably as a result of the development of modern drugs and the marketing efforts of the major drug companies.

Since the early 1990’s when magnetic pain relief bracelets began to appear on the market thousands of people around the world have claimed that these bracelets have helped reduce or eliminate their pain.

Despite this there are still many sceptics who say that magnetic pain relief is a myth. They suggest that wearing these magnetic pain relief bracelets is nothing more than a placebo and people just believe they have less pain.

There have certainly been studies that have shown the human brain is capable of remarkable healing powers and there could be a case for suggesting that by wearing a magnetic pain relief bracelet the subconscious mind starts the healing process. However that would not explain some of the remarkable reports about the healing effect that magnets have had on animals.

There have been many letters and press reports showing remarkable results from using magnetic collars and wraps on cats, dogs, sheep, goats, cows, horses and even an elephant.

The Western Daily Press, a local newspaper for Gloucestershire in England, reported how magnotherapy had been used successfully on Raja, a four-year-old bull elephant that had been unable to walk or stand on his back legs. This was a particular problem as Raja was one of the breeding elephants at the famous Woburn Safari Park. The report said:-

“Mr Tony Nevin, an animal osteopath from Cheltenham was called in to put Raja back on his feet with magnotherapy, a treatment that increases the absorption of oxygen to speed up healing. Mr Nevin said: “His back problem disappeared and has shown no sign of returning. I think it’s safe to say he will be ready to fulfil his part in the breeding programme”

The treatment has been tested on humans for many years to help cure arthritis Its success has led to it being used on dogs and horses.

The technique is now being used to treat a giraffe and a rhinoceros with arthritis.”

Another local UK newspaper, The Telegraph, Express and Western Mail carried this report in 1999 about the benefits of magnetism on a horse. The report said:

“25 year old mare April developed arthritis after breaking her cannon-bone in 1988 bringing an end to her showjumping career. She became in foal last year and after developing a liver condition, veterinarians recommended the foal be born by caesarean section and that April be put down. April’s owner, used a magnetic pain relief bracelet herself and had experienced great relief from her Sciatica. She decided in desperation to try using magnetic horse boots on April.

Within days, April was walking. After two weeks she was running around the paddock and soon afterwards was clearing fences. April gave birth unaided and was running around with her foal. April was able to return to showjumping and within six months had qualified for the finals of the National Veteran Horse of the Year.”

There are a growing number of veterinarians who now recommend magnetic collars as an effective pain relief for dogs and other animals in preference to prescribing drugs. Given the results of magnetic pain relief products on animals it seems logical to believe that they will have similar beneficial results on humans. In fact, it was only after the manufacturers of these magnetic pain relief bracelets enjoyed tremendous success on humans that they started to expand into dog collars and horse boots.

Even the most skeptical of medical practitioners are beginning to accept that magnetism does have a role to play in pain management. Magnetic pain relief bracelets also have no significant side effects unlike many drugs that are available by prescription or over the counter. The only health warning is that magnetic bracelets should not be worn by anyone fitted with a heart pacemaker.