Winning Your Ex-Girlfriend Back With Love and Persistence

Sure, you love your ex-girlfriend. You miss her, and you want her back. But how to go about getting her back? To win her back it’s going to take love and persistence.

Lots of men have love and persistence and try to put them to use to win back their ex-girlfriends. Lots of men fail, because they go about it the wrong way. It’s important to make proper, steady, measured use of your love and persistence to win back your ex.

Mostly, it’s important to avoid The Wrong Way. Men often think that because they feel love and their love is gone, they must proclaim their love over and over until their ex, being moved by the apparent quality and quantity of their love, runs back to them with open arms. It does not work out this way, however. You should channel your love into patience and planning, to make sure that every action you take towards winning back your ex-girlfriend is the right one.

Of course, it is also important to avoid The Wrong Way when it comes to persistence. It’s true that you must not give up in the face of difficulty if you are going to win her back, but persistence should not mean chasing her around, trying to talk to her every chance you get, calling her at all hours and trying to convince her to come back. Rather, your persistence should mean staying true to your plan to win her back, and dealing with the hardships that will come up at first rather than giving in.