The Amazing Vitamin D – Why You Need This Essential Vitamin

Recent research is proving that health care providers and individuals concerned about good heath can no longer ignore the amazing power of vitamin D. We are now learning about its incredible importance on the human genome and in key biological functions throughout the body.

It seems the media are constantly commenting on research showing the increasing vitamin D deficiency among New Zealanders, especially in New Zealand children. However, we are not alone as vitamin D deficiency is one of the most prevalent deficiencies in all industrialised countries around the world. Known as the sunshine vitamin, even in summer up to 80% of the population are thought to be deficient and when winter rolls around up to 100% of the population may carry some level of deficiency. The best way to optimise vitamin D levels is through sunshine with regular daily exposure of large areas of skin for 15-20mins of full sun, unprotected from sun-block. However even with this simple prescription, New Zealanders are not getting enough.

Current research is showing that a deficiency in vitamin D is have a major part in the contribution of several disease pathologies including at least 17 varieties of cancer, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, depression, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, birth defects, autism, muscle wasting and muscle weakness and more. In fact this vitamin is now being linked to an incredible number of diseases showing its necessity in the human body, there is now so much evidence supporting the importance of maintaining adequate vitamin D levels, which shows us that the average diet and lifestyle and strict avoidance of sun does not maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

So it seems that supplementing with vitamin D is of critical importance for those with strong deficiency. There is a blood test that can diagnose vitamin D deficiency called a 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test. You want your results to return a test level above 50mcg/L year round.

As mentioned, the best way to boost your vitamin D is through regular daily exposure to sun – do not allow your skin to burn – but 15-20mins of full sun either early in the morning or later in the afternoon is the best way to naturally increase your levels of this importance vitamin.