Anti Aging Solution Advice – Oprah Winfrey’s “Secret of the Blue Zones”

Recently on Oprah, Dr Oz reported on a National Geographic study, The Secrets of the Blue Zones, where the answer to the anti-aging solution was challenged by Dan Buettner who spent seven years traveling the globe tackling this all important question.

Of all the communities he visited, four stuck out where each had a large percentage of  centenarians.

Of these four the fountain of youth was argued to come from nutrition, daily exercise, the importance of the family and one hidden secret.

Of these four two were labeled to have the most nutritional longevity diets and were somewhat similar.

Each contained large quantities of calcium. The first in Nicoya in Costa Rica where the water there is argued to be some of the “hardest” water in the world. Stacked with minerals and calcium, calcium helps to relax your arteries and is an integral part of strengthening your bones.

The second “blue zone” was Sardinia, where their staple diet is packed with calcium notably the local Pecorino cheese and goats milk. Most of the men work well into their nineties and this is work which is by no means gentle on the joints.

Professions here are back breaking, be it farming the land or goat herding, where such low impact exercise will burn 500 calories per hour.

Sardinia hold the world record for the largest male centenarian per ca-pita, but it’s not just the calcium which attributes their longevity.

The red wine is said to be the real secret here.

Whilst millions of Americans die each year from artery related diseases to the heart, it’s here in Sardinia that they have some of the cleanest arteries and strongest hearts.

Resveratrol is the key. A natural fungi which grows in the grape skin to help protect it against bacteria, Resv is found to be three times the strength in Sardinian red wine than your local supermarket bottle contains.

What Resv does scientist state is that it acts as a natural artery scrubber, helping your heart to optimize it’s engine so it pumps the blood to all the vital places most effectively.

Couple this with great bones and muscles and Sardinia has shown that living to one hundred years plus is not at all uncommon.

Resveratrol is now sold in the bottle, and each bottle contains 60 capsules which is the equivalent to roughly 1000 bottles of Sardinian red wine so the concentration is obviously high!