Stop Chasing and Eating Your Own Tail

You know Sun Tzu sure had some good philosophy; fight the battles you can win. It is truly amazing in Western Culture how many folks engage in the sound and fury of mankind and start wars they cannot win. Yet they say it is a matter of principle. Great stand on those principles, but realize that if you are indeed chasing your own tail or cutting off the hand that feeds you, your endeavors will amount to nil.

Sometimes folks will hold on so tightly to their ideals or cling to their perspective that they lose sight of the forest for the trees. Indeed, how many times have you watched folks protect their ideas, property or moral high ground and in doing so prevent the opportunity of growing the pie for themselves and others around them. Greed.

I suppose if the Oroborus kept going it would indeed be eating its own head as well? Of course in doing so the circle keeps getting smaller and smaller and as the pie contracts this means there is less

to share and therefore your analogy works really good, because either way the circle becomes less and until the opportunity vanishes due to its own negative energy.

Instead folks should be careful to expand the opportunity for all, thus expanding the pie and everyone Wins and gets more. Those who use laws to control without regard, actually end up getting less in the end. Similar to the Monkey who sticks their hand in a whole and will not let go of what they have and therefore is stuck and cannot remove their hand and is captured.

I bet John Nash has something to say about that. This is why I believe that for creativity, genius and the brilliant minds to prevail we need fewer rules over all and common sense rules, which make sense and do not restrict free markets or personal freedoms. Thought for food in 2007.