Creative Date Ideas – Good For First Dates?

Imagine the scenario: you have mustered up the courage to ask out the girl of your dreams and have gotten a positive response. You get over the euphoria of the moment and then realise that you have no idea where you are going to go! You really want to impress her so you spend ages surfing the internet looking for creative date ideas that will make the experience all the more memorable. This is all well and good, but do you really need to find creative date ideas for a first date?

This is purely a matter of personal choice and your own personal character. But if you do decide that you want to make your first date a creative one then there are one or two points that you may want to bear in mind.

The most important one, in my opinion, is how well you actually know each other. From my experiences I have tended not to know much about the woman at the point of a first date, so when we meet up we have spent time talking and finding out more about each other. For this, I have tended to avoid creative date ideas and opt for a safer, more comfortable date – in a cosy wine bar in a location that is easy enough for the both of us to get to.

However, if the two of you know each other fairly well (maybe as friends beforehand) then you may know a lot more about her. With this in mind you can look through your list of creative date ideas and pick out the ones which you feel that she will like.

Perhaps I am a little bit more cautious and not adventurous to try one of those exciting, creative date ideas that you read about online for a first date. In my defence, I have tended to find that the first date is about making a good impression – as in, you like each other and want to see if there can be sort of relationship between the two of you going forwards. This brings enough pressure and nerves in itself, let alone having to add the pressure of trying to do something different! I would start looking for creative date ideas further down the line when I know the woman better – that way, if it does not work out as well as I had planned, we are more likely to sit down and laugh about it rather than be devastated about failing to pull off something different on the first date.