5 Things That Make Him Feel Good – Learn the Ways to Win His Heart

Flirting with a guy is one thing — making him feel good is another. Of course, there are many ways to actually make a guy totally fall for you and want you like crazy — and you better believe it. Gone are the days when we all rely to our lucky stars and the so-called destiny to do all the work — being with the person you want is actually depends on you. It’s on the tip of your fingers, girl. You just have to be a little more positive and optimistic on it and everything else with follow. Below are the five things that make him feel good — get to learn the ways to win his heart at last!

  • When you want to discover new things together. Get adventurous. Most guys are into girls who know how to chill-out and have fun just for the hell of it. You don’t have to be a drop gorgeous babe with a hot body — sometimes, it can be about personality too. So aim to have both!
  • When you stay sweet and thoughtful. A sweet girl will always win a guy over — there is just something so irresistible and adorable about girls who stay sweet and thoughtful — it just breaks a guy’s heart. But in a good way of course. So unleash your inner romantic side and make him swoon!
  • When you don’t try hard to impress him. It’s always obvious when a girl tries hard to impress a guy — you become, well, a trying-hard. Just be yourself, relax and be comfortable. No point in getting all that stress and pressure on your back — you’d start to look old and grumpy when you do.
  • When you know how to make a joke and share a laugh. Crack a joke, tease him and make him laugh. Nothing beats a girl who knows how to goof around every once in a while. Make sure to loosen up and just chill when you do — again, don’t try too hard.
  • When you let your hair down and just chill. High maintenance girls are just too creepy for words. On a casual date, why don’t you just put on a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers and just get it done with. Simplicity is beauty and it’s always best that you live according to your rules. You instantly grab his attention and definitely leave a mark.

By applying the above tips you will know how to please a man and make him feel good. It is become very easy to pick up a man, but to keep him is a whole different story. This is an area that sometimes is overlooked but is extremely important.