Choosing Leaders for Your Women’s Ministry

A church with a large congregation may have 100’s or even 1,000’s of female members. If you are the president of the women’s ministry of such a church, you will hold more responsibilities than you can handle. Planning activities and providing spiritual counseling for hundreds of women is an impossible task for a single person and therefore, you will need the assistance of other women to lead the members of your ministry and manage activities.

Choosing leaders for your women’s ministry is not an easy task, especially if there are many capable women in your church. The women you select to fill leadership roles need to possess certain traits and abilities and you have to know exactly what to look for when you are considering a candidate for a leadership position. The first thing that you need to look for is spiritual maturity. A leader has to be spiritually matured as the members will look upon her as the provider of spiritual guidance. If she is not spiritually strong and well-grounded in the word of God, she may lead your members astray. She may provide the wrong advice for your members or act against the principles of Christianity. A leader who is spiritually matured will always act according to the laws and principles of God and swill gain the trust and respect of your members.

Other than being spiritually matured, your leaders must also have a genuine passion to minister to the needs of women in your church and the local community, including those who are unfortunate. Those who possess true passion will remain committed to the cause of the ministry under any circumstance. They will not take their responsibilities as obligations but instead, will take delight in serving your members, the church and the community.

Before you select leaders for your women’s ministry, you should also consider their availability. Some women in your ministry may have other commitments which can stem to work, family or other commitments. It is also possible that they are holding other leadership posts in the church, such as Sunday school teachers and youth leaders, among others. No matter how suitable they are for a leadership role in your ministry, you cannot appoint them as leaders if they do not have the time required to perform the tasks that you assign to them.

It is also important that you assess your potential leaders’ abilities and skills. Every leader has a different set of responsibilities which can range from accounting to event planning. As such, you should select women who have the abilities to handle the responsibilities that come with their leadership positions. After you have selected leaders for your ministry, you should ask God for His approval. Pray to Him and ask for guidance in choosing the most suitable leaders and He will reveal to you which ladies are the best candidates.