How to Easily Catch a Girl’s Attention – Do This & You Will Have Her Endless Attention Instantly

There are some guys who are really good at grabbing a woman’s attention and there are some guys who are just the opposite. If you fall in the second category, then it’s time to get to work and find out what you need to do to get the attention of the woman you like. Here are some tips which will help you grab a woman’s attention.

The right amount of eye contact

When you spot the girl that you like, make brief eye contact…look at her directly and hold her gaze and then release it. Make sure that you don’t look away too soon or stare for too long. Once you have caught her eye give a warm smile and then look away and continue with whatever that it was that you were doing.

Be footloose and fancy free

You have to look like you are having a good time. Be spirited and playful and enjoy yourself. People are naturally drawn to people who are having a good time rather than to people who sit alone.

Do your own thing

You don’t have to be like anyone else to be popular or get appreciated. If you want to be attractive you have to learn to be different, so bid adieu to the herd mentality and feel free to be that person that you are. The coolest people do what they want to do and when they want to do it irrespective of the people around them.

Be randomly chivalrous

Chivalry rocks and the sooner a girl sees you doing a kind and sweet act the sooner she is going to be attracted to you. Let that act be random and it does not have to be a huge thing…getting up to open the door for an unknown person or help a person with a tray full of drinks should do. These show that you are a thoughtful and a kind person and women find both these qualities very attractive.

Begin a conversation with a compliment

You can always go up to her and begin a conversation by first complimenting her. Say something that she knows but, say it differently…It’s not about what you say but how you say it!

Be genuinely funny

A good sense of humor helps in breaking the ice, start a lively conversation as it helps in bonding. Also women find men with good sense of humor very intelligent and attraction builds automatically. Don’t be Bozo the clown, but crack her up anyway!

Dress nice

To make a lasting good first impression dress well. Women like neatly dressed men so why push her the other way by dressing sloppy?