How to Give an Inspiring Speech

There are some occasions in life that have a need for speeches. Wedding receptions, retirement parties, big birthdays, and award shows are a few. Usually these speeches are filled with well wishes, gratitude, and joy. However, there are other instances when speeches are needed, and these speeches need to be filled with plans, hopes, and words of wisdom that will help inspire and motivate. Graduation ceremonies, political rallies, and company events are a few situations in which this type of speech is needed.

If you find yourself in a position in which you need to give an inspiring speech, the latter of the two types of speeches described, consider using these tips or guidelines for help.

Be Sincere

There is nothing worse than an insincere speaker, one who is detached and obviously does not believe what he is saying. Sincerity can be detected in the emotion in the voice and in how the words are pronounced and emphasized. So apart from practicing your lines several times in front of a mirror, be sure you truly believe what you are saying.

Connect With People

Find a way to connect with the people you are speaking to. One way you can do this is to make them a part of your vision, make them a part of what you’re talking about. You can use their personal problems and highlight these as problems you share. If you make yourself “one of them”, they will listen to you, tune in and see your vision. Making them feel that you’re all in it together is one way you can establish a great connection.

Bring in an Emotional Factor

When you connect with people, be sure you bring in an emotional factor. People are inspired when they are moved with emotion. So make sure you tap into their emotions. Perhaps the best emotion to tap into is a struggle you’re all facing.

Highlight a Concrete Plan

Whenever you give an inspiring speech, you have to have a concrete plan of action. People don’t want to listen to “we can do it” without knowing “how we’ll do it”. So make sure you can highlight a path they can see. Talk about what you and they have already done, and what else needs to be done for all of you to achieve your goal. If you don’t know how things are going to get done or if you don’t have a plan yet, be honest and say so. Tell them that you don’t have a plan, but that you will all figure it out together.

Use the Words of Other Men

End your speech with an inspirational quote from another famous speaker. Sometimes using what others have said before us is a great inspiration. It can even be turned into a mantra, like Obama’s “Yes We Can.” You can even weave the story of another person into your speech, likening them to yourself and those you are speaking to.