Crystals That Help You Battle With Fatigue and Stress

How many times after enjoying a nice lunch, you feel like you are prepared for a nap, or maybe after a workout, or a run in the beach you seem to feel exhausted… this sort of afternoon slump may be alleviated using crystals instead of caffeine drinks or sugary snacks.

*To hike up your afternoon fatigue; crystals like Ruby, Amber and Red Jasper are good options. Ruby and Amber are reloading stones, and will help jumpstart your system. You can complement with Aventurine, to add optimism to the mix.

Having plenty of energy is vital to fulfilling our lives; to enjoy life, one needs a good supply of energy. We can restore and balance our energy levels with a proper diet, rest and sleep… also with the use of crystals.

You can try some of these remedies:

* Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Pyrite and Fire Agate, any of these can be carried around the sacral and base chakra area for tiredness, add Sunstone, Hematite, Ametrine, and Dioptase if you’re fatigued. Use them in combination with Rutilated Quartz, Smokey Quartz or Clear Quartz for an energy boost.

What happens when you’re so wore down and you feel you may sleep for a week? Your mind just won’t switch off? Take a cup of chamomile tea, listen to some calming music or practice meditation? Go for it!

* To bring a more relaxing sleep you can place Rose Quartz and Amethyst beneath your pillow; these quieting stones will help greatly if you feel overwhelmed or experiencing insomnia. Blue Lace Agate can be held in your hand to help you relax your entire body.

* Lolite is a crystal that aids in the quality of your sleep and helps with headaches, mental tension and eyestrain, by calming those overtaxed nerves.

Fatigue may be caused by illness, stress, over work, etc. if you carry a high vibration crystal or stone, its energy will merge with your own correcting and restoring balance.

*Apophyllite is a high vibrational crystal which can raise your energy and assist with fatigue… Try lying down, with it placed just above your crown and a Hematite and Clear Quartz below each foot, along with a Rose Quartz in the middle of your chest.

* For a quick fix, or to re-energize try sitting down with your feet on the ground and holding a clear quartz in each hand pointing inward. Breathe deep and slowly in a relaxed state for 15 minutes. This will give you an instant energy boost.

So, whether you’re a long-distance runner, or simply living the day by day issues… these crystals can help you battle with stress and fatigue and remain relaxed, serene and energy recharged.