How to Stop Biting Your Fingernails – Teenagers Watch Out

Are you a teenager? A teenager with nail biting problems? I know how you feel I too passed my teens as a nail biter. It wasn’t only tough being a teenager but to add to the problems of being a teenager I also had the problem of biting my nails.

This article will try and show you how to stop biting your fingernails and will also point out some ways to try to avoid them. But some of these ways may help and some may not. Nonetheless, teenagers watch out as this is going to be tough on you as it is an added problem in your life.

First of all why do you think you bite your nails? The reasons are many but usually for a teenager it is because of nervousness and stress. If you can control this then you may find a solution how to stop biting your fingernails.

Here are 3 ways to control your nervousness and stress:

1. Meditate: Take out 15 minutes a day to sit in a quite room. Place a candle in front of you and look at the flame, pay attention to the flame and nothing else. This is the best way to meditate. After 4 -5 days of doing this you will feel more calmed and relaxed. Make this a habit. After some time you would not need the candle anymore. You will be able to meditate with you eyes closed for 15 minutes a day very soon. You can extend your time it is entirely up to you. But try and do 15 minutes a day minimum to see results in no time.

2. Breathe Deeply when Nervous: Start taking deep breaths when tensed. Breathe in deeply from your nose, try to keep this in for as long as you can and then exhale from your mouth. After doing this for some 5 minutes or so you yourself will feel calmed and relaxed.

3. Start Exercising: Take up a sport. Maybe running in the morning. You will see not only a change to your body but also a change to your mind. You will feel more relaxed and in control of your life.

Once you are able to control your emotions you will be able to control your nail biting.

However, lets say you are addicted and still can’t break the habit then here are 2 simple ways on how to stop biting your fingernails.

1. Sit on your hands: Make it a habit to sit on your hands especially when you feel like biting your nails. This will help you break the habit as you will make a conscious effort to keep your hands away from your mouth.

2. Preoccupy your hands with a stress ball: Buy a stress ball (one of those balls you can squeeze) and get into the habit of squeezing that when you feel the urge to bite your nails. You will see that your problem will be resolved in no time.

However, if none of these ways work for you, then you are advised to seek more stronger ways to battle your habit. One of the best ways is by reconditioning your automated responses. The best is a Tony Robbins program. Its not a book but a video that really works and is great for teenagers.