Leading With Your Heart in Network Marketing

I have had a lot of people tell me in my network marketing journey to take the emotions out of it. In this article, I am going to talk about leading with your heart in network marketing.

There are few people I have worked with that told me to consider emotions in business. Almost everyone has told me to keep the emotions out of it but there is a problem with that. People are in the business and they all have emotions. If you numb yourself to emotions, you are not going to be able to get the results that you want.

Benefits of Leading with Your Heart

  • People Trust You
  • You Feel Good About What You Do

These are other benefits to leading with your heart but these two would be enough for me. When you care about your team and the people that have chosen to follow you, they are not going to question what you are having them do or how you are leading them. If they know you are money motivated and you do not care about people, they are not going to trust you.

When you care about the people you work with, you may experience pain and hurts when people quit but that is part of the business. Business should not harm a friendship and when you are leading with your heart, if someone leaves your team, it won’t cause you to dislike them. It is always a good thing to care about people instead of putting up a guard around your heart.