How to Relieve Burning Sciatica Pain

There is really no easy way to describe sciatica. Sometimes it stays in your back, sometimes it shoots down your leg, it can even make your buttocks hurt. No matter how you experience sciatica one thing is for sure. It stinks and it is painful.

But one of the most painful things about sciatica is the burning. Burning pain so intense that even getting through a day at work becomes a chore. Medical options can get pricey, add that to the time it actually takes to get into the doctors office and get a treatment plan going and just feels like torture. When it comes to finding sciatic nerve pain relief, natural is one of the easiest ways to go. Not only are there fast acting remedies out there, but they are also much cheaper than anything medical and they provide real relief.

Discover How to Relieve Burning Sciatica Pain

Many people recommend exercises and heating pads. I do too on occasion. But there are times when you literally feel like you are in too much pain to move. Times when you miss work and sleep because the pain is just too much. If you are feeling like a helpless victim of your sciatica, then this is the remedy for you.

Horseradish Poultice – it is fast acting, and easy to apply, and literally works in minutes.. Once it is covering the area where you feel the most pain, leave it there until you feel a slight warm sensation. Your pain should be gone before this happens. When you feel that warmth, take it off. Do not leave the poultice on as it is very potent and can actually burn if it is left.

How do you make horseradish poultice?

– get a horseradish root from your grocery store (or you can order it online)

– cut off a section of the root that you are going to use

– grate the cut section

– dip a cloth in vaseline (or oil) and then dip the same area into the grated horseradish

– Put vaseline (or oil) on the section of skin that hurts as well

– Put the cloth onto the area of the skin that you just covered..