Why Affirmations Don’t Work

Okay, a lot of people have written about affirmations. And a lot of it is malarkey. BS. Crap. Sitting around repeating the same thing over and over is not going to make your dreams come true.

There’s more to it than that.

Affirmations are one part of a toolbox that you use to get where you want to go. Other tools include:

  • Planning
  • Determination
  • Networking
  • Daily commitment
  • Follow through

Each of these tools is powerful by itself. Put them together, though, and watch out. You’ll go farther than you thought possible.

For instance, let’s say you want to be a published novelist. Not the easiest market to break into, so you have quite a lot of work ahead of you. Where do you begin? Of course, you have to write.

You can use an affirmation to help you with your writing, but if you don’t put your backside in that chair and actually write, all the affirmations in the world won’t help you reach your dreams. You see, that’s where commitment and planning come into play.

Let’s define what an affirmation is. Here’s my definition:

Affirmations are a low-cost, easy to use way to improve yourself, to improve your life and to reach your dreams. Understand that affirmations operate on the premise that we can change our thought patterns to create a positive difference in our lives. They are not wishful thinking, simple positive thinking or delusional.

Do you know why they aren’t delusions?

Because they require work!

Uh-oh, I’m using a bad word. W-O-R-K. Hey, life takes work. You want the life you dream of, you gotta work for it. However, a lot of people think that they can latch onto an affirmation, repeat it and “presto!” the magic happens. No such luck.

So, if you ever read something that tells you all you have to do is repeat a phrase X times per day and your problems will be solved, or your dreams will all come true, stop reading right then and there. It’s a lie. You can’t make a journey sitting on the couch. You have to get up and put one foot in front of the other every single day – even when you don’t feel like it. Then, and only then, will affirmations be effective.