Assam Black Tea – A Healthy Way of Relaxing in Busy Hours

Talking about quality black tea? How can one go without mentioning Assam black tea? When the discussion is about black blends, then Assam brew always take the top position because of its quality. This region in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains produces a major portion of the total tea manufacturing in India. Superior quality black blends of this region have a specific taste and aroma. As a result of this, this beverage is highly acknowledged all across India.

Some Interesting Facts about Assam Black Blends

Black brew is produced from Camellia sinensis and this variety of the blend undergoes maximum processing as compared to the other types. Generally, black blends are named after the region they are harvested. Assam tea is one of them. Its nutty flavor and unique aroma make it distinct from all other kinds of black teas. Assam black tea has great demand in online market of India as people here like the strong flavor and richness of this beverage.

Taste and quality of Assam black brew greatly varies according to its harvesting time. First flush and second flush harvests are regarded as the best. It is, in fact, a real classical Indian beverage – tonic, strong and energizing.

Black blends in general contain around 50mg caffeine, that is, it has half caffeine content than that of coffee. This implies that one does not have to necessarily drink coffee to boost up his energy. A drinker can feel the same refreshment with a cup of Assam black brew as with a cup of coffee.

How healthy is the black brew of Assam?

Among the different varieties, Assam Black Tea is a popular one. Now, there are a number of health benefits of different black blends of Assam but it is widely acclaimed for benefiting heart’s health. Antioxidants dominate black brews and they block absorption of bad cholesterol. This, in turn, prevents plaque from building up on the walls of artery and hence, reduces the propensity of heart attacks.

Moreover, the presence of these antioxidants also helps in destroying free radicals that can damage blood cells. Thus, it lowers viral or bacterial infections, diabetes and cancer to a great extent. A person drinking Assam black brew will experience less anxiety and feel relax. Therefore, drinking this beverage will not only keep am individual stay healthy physically but also emotionally.

So, with a cup of Assam black tea, an individual enjoys its aroma and flavor together with its positive aspects.