Real Estate Marketing – Using The Internet To Reach New Clients, Search Engines, And The Press

By using the Internet you can reach out to your three audiences. These audiences are:

  • New customers – these are the people who do not know you yet. They are your ideal clients and in your market area, but you just haven’t met them yet. That will all change with marketing through the Internet.
  • The search engine spiders – more powerful than termites, search engine spiders work 24 hours a day to find information that is relevant to the searches that are submitted through Google, Yahoo, and many other search engines.
  • The press – Publicity of the right kind can make your business boom. Through proper use of the Internet and all of the ways that you will learn to present yourself you will come face to face with media from around the world. The press will find you instead of you trying to convince them to write something about you and your business that will help you to reach more potential clients.

By leveraging the power of internet marketing to increase your real estate business you will become a storyteller. Potential clients want to know more about the person who will be listing their home or finding them a new home. During the time you work with clients you spend quite a bit of time with them. They will be revealing many personal facts about their finances, their relationships, and the way they live. They will be much more open to sharing this information with you if they are already familiar with your story. By becoming a storyteller you share your experiences as they relate to the business of real estate. Your new clients will know how you feel about things specific to the neighborhood such as the local schools, the traffic situation, and the commercial center that is being planned down the street.

You will be sharing your opinions on these matters in a clear, open way so that your readers will feel like they already know you before you have even met. You will want to think about which words accurately describe who you are and what you do. These are called keywords and are the words that people type into Google or Yahoo when they are searching for information. You will want to make a list of these keywords and add to the list whenever you think of another word or phrase that describes you and your services. Maybe you are also a Notary and provide this service to others in their real estate transactions. If you live in a neighborhood called Wooded Glen you may write down Wooded Glen notary as a keyword phrase that you will want to use. That is just one example of how you should begin to think about your real estate business in terms of keywords.

Publicity of the right kind can make your business explode. But just how do you get your name out there and make the press want to tell the world about you and your business? By using the Internet the press will be able to find out what you are doing that could be of interest to their readers and viewers. They will contact you when they find something of interest. All you will need to do is to show them that what you do on a daily basis is newsworthy. That is easier to do than you might think.