If You Want to Look Like an Athlete, Train Like One!

Professional athletes and Olympians come to mind when you think of ultimate sports bodies. Most people dream about bodies like those. I know in most cases it’s their job to stay in shape, but they still have to do it, and that’s the same choice you have to make if you want to look like them. In some cases this is just not achievable, do to age or other circumstances. However, vanity aside there a plenty of positive health reasons for getting in the best shape you can right now.

Here are some of my top power points to make your fantasy body become a reality.

1)      Prioritize what is important.

Assuming you already have your goal as being in the best shape that you can, we will now focus on prioritizing your way to success. Amateur athletes have to be amazing at this point, as most have to juggle school, work, and life, all while getting in their proper training to reach their goals. Have your goal in front of you or deeply imbedded in your mind and then prioritize your life so that you make time for those necessary steps to a brand new body.

2)      Plan in advance.

It’s hard to have a successful business without a business plan. It’s hard to go on a vacation trip without a destination and knowing how to get there. Can you imagine hosting a dinner party without knowing what you are going to eat, how many people are coming etc. To be successful you need a plan. Athletes start with their end goal in mind and then work backwards. For instance, if I was training for the Iron Man Triathlon in Hawaii, then that would be my starting point. Next you to make a plan which has check points along the way. Perhaps a six month goal with monthly checkpoints would suffice. If you want to achieve your goal then a daily plan is necessary to take you to the next level of success. My example is that I plan my meals and workouts on the weekend before my week even starts. This organizes me and keeps me on track.

3)      Keep track of your journey to a new you.

Either the athletes themselves or their coaches will constantly be recording progress so that they not only stay on track, but can figure out what is working and not working for them. Being organized and keeping track go hand in hand here. Being organized and planning ahead are first, and then keeping track of your progress is second. How will a quarterback know if he can reach his receiver fifty five yards down field if he didn’t keep track of his ability before that? You don’t want to waste your time lifting the same amount of weight or running the exact same distance and speed over and over. You need to keep track of your progress and learn what it will take to get to your next level or checkpoint ahead of the last one.

4)      Educate yourself and or have a coach.

There are plenty of places to receive great advice that will help you achieve your goals. I’m positive that Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong and others of similar caliber all had multiple coaches throughout their careers. Why did they? Because they were not born with all the knowledge and motivation it takes to be the best of the best. No matter how you have to do it, educate yourself so that you can train more effectively which in turn will have you inching your way towards your goal. Personal trainers can be a magnificent benefit to you as the better ones will not only make you work effectively; they will also educate you along the way!

5)      Learn to focus in on your training.

One of the biggest complaints from people is they don’t have the time to do a lengthy workout. I say in return that you therefore need to focus in on what needs to get done and do it. Lately there are a lot of articles going around that talk about interval training and how you can get a great workout in half the time. I believe you can get a tremendous workout in a small amount of time. However, I also believe in a good warm up and cool down with stretching, so be careful that you don’t miss those. Whether you have to do short training sessions or have more time to spare, the same point applies here; keep your mind focused on what needs to get done and why you want to do it. Focus on each movement and you will not only stay safe, but you will also see improved gains towards your goal.

6)      Never give up and never cut corners.

Champions don’t give up and they don’t become the best by cutting corners. They pay a price and they reap the rewards. I know it’s not easy to lose a lot of weight or gain a lot of muscle, but you need to stick with it and pace yourself to your goal. Whether you get sick, need to go away on business, get injured or whatever, you need to get right back up on that horse and get back in the game. That’s what perseverance is all about. It’s tempting to want to cut corners but this will harm you in the long run. A safe and efficient training and nutrition plan will not only benefit you today, but will teach you proper lifestyle habits that will benefit you and those around you for years to come.