Weight Loss Program – Anti-Aging Information Revealed!

If you are over 50, you need to go beyond reduction of calories, dieting and physical activities for you to trim that fat belly.

I’ll be giving you 5 essential requirements for fat loss.

Firstly, let’s look at why it is difficult to lose and shed that fat. The human body requires approximately 2,900 calories for energy for a man. In this article I’ll show you that you need to reduce your calorie intake to between 1,500 -1,800 per day for your optimal health.
There are four reasons it’s difficult to lose fat.

1. The human body always consumes those easily convertible sources of energy. In most cases, these are the molecules of carbohydrates. The molecules of fat require a lot of energy to be converted and the body yearns for a quick fix.
2. Your body stores fat for future use, however, when you need energy, you feel hungry and eat before you tap into that stored fat.
3. Foods that are readily available have a tendency to cause our metabolism to stabilize at the higher fat level.
4. The main reason that this stored excess fat may not be converted into energy calories is the different types of food you eat these days as compared to your ancestors and what the human body engineering can cope with.

What then can you do?

As people age, they will often accumulate excess body fat. Aging people and men over 50 in particular, experience metabolism disorders that cause hypersecretion of insulin. The effect of this high insulin production is weight gain. Insulin causes sugar and your dietary food to be converted to body fat.

Step 1. Suppressing excess insulin production

As aging men lose the functionality of insulin receptors on cell membranes, they develop insulin resistance that impairs the ability of cells to efficiently take up glucose and use it.
If you can reduce your calorie intake to under 1,500-1,800 calories/day, you can markedly improve insulin functionality/sensitivity.

Step 2. Achieving youthful hormone balance

When you’re aging you experience hormone imbalances-such as too much insulin, too little T3, and this causes age-associated weight gain. Thyroid hormone is needed to maintain healthy metabolic rate.

Step 3. Control the rate of your carbohydrate absorption

Too much glucose have the effects of spiking insulin. It is therefore recommended that you take plant fiber before you eat. By taking a mere 5 grams of soluble fiber before or with a meal, you can significantly reduce the glucose-insulin surge.

Step 4. Enabling the restoration of brain serotonin

When serotonin floods the brain, satiety, hunger normally occurs. As has been mentioned before, this causes binging on easily accessible foods….carbohydrates. You’ll need trytophan to produce a balanced serotonin in your brain.

Step 5. Eat to live a lifestyle that suits you

You should avoid embarking on a weigh-loss program, by trying to follow a fad diet that cannot be adhered to over the long term. Select healthier foods that facilitate weight loss and protect against illness.

You should not forget physical activity as it improves insulin sensitivity. Supplement on products that will boost your metabolic rate and assist you in losing fat.

The best and safest approaches to weight loss continue to be a modest reduction in calorie intake combined with a careful increase in energy expenditure-burning off stored fat.