How to Use Plucking Hair Removal Methods For Plucking Eyelashes

Eyelash is the hair, which grows at the end of an eyelid. An eyelash is very sensitive when touched. Eyelash warns when an object like dust mite or any particle is near the eye. Plucking is performed to remove the extra long eyelashes. After the plucking, the eyelashes take 7-8 weeks to grow back.

Plucking eyelashes is the same as plucking eyebrows. Plucking eyelashes should be performed carefully as it is done on a very sensitive and soft area.

The eyelashes are for the protection of the eyes against the dust and debris. Eyelashes are helpful in preventing infections, but sometimes an eyelash or two may grow towards the eye. If an eyelash grows in the wrong direction, it is better to pluck it before it reaches the eye.

Here are the steps to pluck the eyelash safely and without pain –

First, which eyelashes need to be plucked is decided. Eyelashes, which are

longer than average or irritate the ability to see need to be plucked out.

Before plucking, the eyelashes should be clean. The eyelid should be washed carefully with a tear-free baby shampoo and water. The eyes should be wiped with a rag to prevent dirt and debris.

As for eyebrows, Tweezers are also used for plucking eyelashes. A good quality tweezers like Tweezers man should be used.

The tweezers is carefully placed near the end of the eyelash with the help of a magnifying mirror. The eyelash should not be pulled from the base of the eyelid, but from the very end of the eyelash. It will keep the tweezers far from the eye.

With the tweezers, the eyelash is plucked by pulling it out directly from the root. To minimize the pain the eyelid is hold tautly.

Eyelashes are dried by, blinking. A cloth or paper towel should not be used on the face because debris of the towel could get caught in the eyelashes and wind up in the eye.

After the plucking, the eyes should be conditioned. An eye-safe conditioner is applied to the eyelid. It prevents the irritation and encourages healing.