Information Marketing – Attract More Traffic to Boost Your Sales – Part 2

1. Participate on forums and blogs. Identify the forums and blogs that are frequented by your target market and sign up. Then, make it a point to visit them on a regular basis. Join the discussion by sharing your thoughts and ideas on topics that are being discussed and by sharing your in-depth knowledge. Each time you create a post, you’ll get a link back to your website via your signature and you get the chance to showcase your expertise which is crucial in earning the trust and respect of your prospects.

2. Link popularity. Email those people who are running websites that compliment your site’s theme and convince them to link with you. Google will consider your website more valuable and assign better page ranking if established webmasters are linking to it. It’s best if these websites have been in the online arena for quite sometime and if they have better page rank as well.

3. Offer free fresh information. Majority of people who are going online are looking for information. If you want to attract them, you’ve got to give them exactly what they’re looking for. Put together nice web content and ensure that you’ll be able to effectively educate your visitors on things that interest them.

4. SEO. As I said earlier, better page ranking means more traffic. Make your site look more valuable to the eyes of Google by properly optimizing it. You can learn effective SEO techniques by attending relevant seminars and by reading relevant articles and ebooks that contain in-depth information.