Jump Rope Training For Newbies

When was the last time you ever picked up a jump rope? Most people have not done this type of training since they were in grade school and I am also guilty of that. I used to not like them because I am not very coordinated when it comes to anything that moves especially when it involves ropes and balls. But, I found that doing a jump rope workout is very effective when it comes to getting a great cardiovascular exercise and losing weight. So, if you have not used it in awhile, this would be a good time to start especially if your goal is to lose some stubborn fat.

Reasons Jump Rope Training Works

This type of training accelerates your heart rate higher than running at a steady state. If you think about it, you can control whether you can run faster or slower but the rope takes a fraction of a second before it goes under your feet and it comes back again very quickly. Also, you are using more energy when you jump with both feet because you are basically lifting your whole body off the ground instead of with one foot at a time when you run. You are also using your hands while you are holding the rope handles which adds more work to your workout. With some jump ropes types, you can even add a small weight to the handles to add even more resistance. More work means more calories burned.

Common Mistakes in Jump Rope Training

You might think that this is simple. You just jump and pull the rope around you multiple times right? Yes, it can be that simple but I do see a lot of mistakes that people make when using the jump rope for the first time since grade school. First, you want to make sure that you keep your elbows close to the side of your body. Some people make the mistake of lengthening their arms and extending it out to the side. This mistake shortens the rope which is one reason that the rope gets caught on your feet. The other common mistake is double jumping. This happens when people try to jump one more time after the rope passed their feet. You should only jump once the rope goes through your feet. Double jumping is unnecessary and a waste of energy. Lastly, the rope length should not be too long for your height. To test for proper length, step on the rope with one foot and hold the handles with your hands. The top of the handles should be at your arm pit and not higher. This will the perfect rope length for you.

How to Do a Jump Rope Workout

So now that you have learned how to use the jump rope properly, here is a sample workout you can do. The workout is designed with alternating high intensity and low intensity intervals which is formally called High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. HIIT is very effective for fat loss. First, warm-up with a light jog, running in place, or jumping jacks for about 3-5 minutes. Next, jump rope for 30 seconds followed with 30 seconds of a light jog to recover. This is one interval. Repeat the interval sequence for another 6-8 rounds for a full workout. Cool down after you’re done with your workout. You can make this harder by increasing the time that you use the jump rope, decrease your recovery time (the light job part), jump rope at a faster speed or perform more intervals.

Jump rope training is a cheaper, more effective way to get cardiovascular training and lose fat at the same time. This is one more way to get your workout done without the expense of a gym membership or the time that it takes for you to get to the gym. When you add this to your training, you would not have an excuse not to workout anymore because you can conveniently workout anywhere at anytime.