The Power of a Great Story

Why Movies and Music Move and Motivate Us

I believe films and music have the power to motivate and move us in a very powerful way. A great script brought to life by wonderful actors can touch us in very profound ways. We gladly hand over our money to be entertained but why do some films affect us in such a strong way?

I believe the impact of great film or piece of music happens because we get to engage all of our senses. We are mesmerized because we see it, hear it, feel it and involve our active imagination as well. It can spark memories or “hit” us in a place that triggers real emotion. For film or theater none of this happens until we make an unspoken agreement. The agreement we, as the audience make is to suspend our beliefs for 2 hours. The suspension of belief allows us to be completely immersed in a story even if what we’re watching can’t happen in “real life”.

People loved the Indiana Jones, Star Wars or the “Back To The Future” films because we made the unspoken agreement to suspend our belief for 2 hours and let the stories move us. Even though most of the “events” in the films did not reflect “real life” they provided important messages and entertained us at the same time.

This got me wondering. What if we suspended our beliefs in our daily lives? We agree to do it when we walk into the movie theater (and pay for it!) so why not when we step into our lives? Here are 3 benefits of suspending your belief every day:

o Increase in “Present Time” Focus

When focused “in the moment” we reduce our preconceived notions about people and situations and therefore are less “cluttered” in our minds. Being “in the moment” is like being in the “zone” athletes refer to so much. When we are there we are more focused, relaxed and energized.

o Improved Listening Skills

When we are focused in the present we are able to communicate more effectively. Without the distraction of negative or limiting thoughts we are able to listen with greater clarity and be more attentive to the person we are speaking to.

o Stronger Commitment

Think back to one of your favorite films and you might find that you enjoyed it because you were fully engaged and committed to the story. We love certain films because they spark something within us whether it’s a sense of adventure, romance, uplifting the human spirit or any other human condition we relate to. Next time you perform a task or just communicate with another person be fully engaged and notice if you feel more powerful and energized (and the impact on them as well).

Films can motivate and inspire us whether they are fiction or not and powerful messages never go out of style. They help us reconnect with a part of us that triggers us to think, feel and act differently even if for a short time. John Lennon has been gone for 25 years and yet the moving messages in his music can affect you today the same it did 25 years ago. It doesn’t matter how old it is because anything that “hits” us at our core will always have the ability to move and motivate us. Imagine…