Use of Chemotherapy For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a form in which tissues of the colon are affected and most of these are adenocarcinomas – the common type of bowel tumors, found in inner lining of the intestine. As colon cancer is not a contagious disease, there is no possibility of having cancer from a cancer patient. Some factors like family history of colorectal cancer, high fat intake, presence of polyps in chronic and large intestine may lead to colon cancer. Colon cancer can be curable, if found in early stages.

Surgery is the primary treatment used for most of the cancer patients, but chemotherapy is considered to be advanced and very effective cancer treatment nowadays. Several drugs are used in chemotherapy and these drugs are helpful in killing cancer cells. Mostly chemotherapy treatment is used if there is any possibility or risk of cancer coming back.

Chemotherapy is given according to the stages of colon cancer detected and it is referred as stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4. Deepness of cancer in the wall of colon and rectum defines the stage of cancer. Stage I is the earliest stage and stage IV is most advanced stage of colon cancer.

The tests like colonoscopy and GI series are used to detect cancer. In GI test, barium enema X-ray is used to detect colon cancer. The test of barium enema includes X-ray of colon and rectum. Enema is white liquid containing barium that is given to the patient with chalky. X-ray help to show the tumors and other abnormalities in the form of the dark shadows on X-ray.

There is another procedure known as colonoscopy in which doctor inserts a long and flexible tube into the rectum to inspect entire inside portion of the colon. This procedure is more accurate than the barium enema X-ray.

Chemotherapy is also beneficial in killing cancer cells that are left behind after surgery. Combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy gives better result than just chemotherapy and there are many drugs available for chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments.

It is true that chemotherapy is very effective and result oriented treatment to treat cancer, but it also have some side effects like vomiting, nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, hair loss, mouth sores etc. The effect of cancer treatment differs person to person. Theses side effects are temporary and can be treated with other medicines during chemotherapy.