How to Rejuvenate Your Eyes

Over the years we have had to make do with wearing glasses or, using various items to magnify what we are looking at. These have been prescribed to us (at great expense) by our opticians. They never give you an option, only that “you need glasses sir” because you have near sightedness (myopia) or you have far sightedness (hyperopia) or your eyes are getting old (presbyopia).

Now we all know that the moment we start to wear glasses, our eyes start to become dependent on them and so begins the downward spiral, requiring even more powerful lenses each time our eyes are tested. What the opticians do not tell us is, that the glasses are actually very bad for our eyes, make them very lazy and reliant upon them. You see the glasses take over some of the very important functions of the eyes, namely the muscles that bring the lenses of the eyes into focus. This causes the muscles to become lazy and consequently we lose the natural ability to focus without some sort of assistance.

If we try to continue without these artificial aids we are then confronted with severe headaches, causing us unnecessary stress.

What we require is to rejuvenate, our eyesight and a modern innovation is the use of laser treatments to re-sculp the shape of the cornea thus increasing the effectiveness of your vision. This is obviously a highly, technical, precision operation that takes only a short time to perform, also a very short recovery period.

Now while this is a highly successful remedy to get our vision rejuvenated, it is also very expensive. What actually bothers me though, is the fact that we are only gifted with one set of eyes,

and these procedures do occasionally go wrong with irreversible effects. Now that’s something I think we should consider carefully before opting for this remedy.

Another remedy of course is the ‘contact lens’ path but, this goes back to the first point, that they will only make ones eyes lazy and weak, not to mention the discomfort caused, and once again the very high cost of replacing them regularly.

I am always very surprised at the number of people that are unaware that eyesight can be rejuvenated, without any of these treatments, but just by natural ways in the majority of cases. Few people are aware that our eyesight can be kept or returned to excellent condition by a simple diet and lifestyle. There are certain foods that should be avoided and some that will improve your vision, but most importantly our 20/20 vision can be bought back to us by the implementation of a programme of exercises which have been tested over many years and refined. The exercises have been tested worldwide and hundreds of people have had their vision restored to near perfect, namely 20/20 vision.

These rejuvenating exercises can be carried out using what is known as ‘The Bates’ system. This comprises of exercises using the hands to massage the eyes in certain ways. Then there are other exercises using your eyes to stretch the muscles that have become lazy through the use of outside aids.These exercises can have remarkable results in the improvement of your vision in quite a short time.

Well I hope that I have given you a little insight (pardon the pun) into what a lot of people with poor vision settle for, not realising that there are other ways. I also hope that I have enlightened some on what can be achieved with very little outlay.

Learn how to exercise your eyes, eat the right foods and you could be throwing away your glasses very soon.