Eastern Esotericism – Shambala – Ganesha – Skanda

Hinduism or Sanatana

Dharma is a faith in God that underpins the basic humane principles of
brotherhood, kind-heartedness and good life. This religion believes in
eternal reincarnation of which you may set yourself free by various
practices and come to a higher state of Being called moksha
liberation. Christians have salvation, Hindus moksha,
Buddhists nirvana. Hindus believe that God is ONE, but has many

Birth of Ganesh and some history

Ganesha (and Skanda too) is understood to be the first God in that sense that if someone
wants to come up to Shiva, he must first get through the Ganesha’s

He is mentioned in the oldest Veda – Rig Veda.

Ganesh was born on the fourth day in the Hindu month Magh and He has many powerful
aspects. He is also considered to be the master of astrology. According
to the Hindu calendar of religious events, His birthday is celebrated
in August/September, and this date is variable similarly like Christian
Easter (based on the lunar calendar). Hinduism consists of four basic
(mainstream) branches of which shaivism is the oldest one. Hence,
God Shiva is the absolute God; in other Hindu denominations it is
Shakti (female principle) – shaktism, Vishnu and His avatar
(incarnation) Krishna – vaishnavism.
Smartism is a school that follows Smriti – a specific canon
of Hindu religious scripture.

In Hinduism, mainstream Vaishnava, Shakta and Shaiva
schools are well-documented, but they also have their offshoots. Cults
of sUrya, skAnda and gAnApAtyA are poorly documented. Ganesh, while
being one of the most extensively worshiped deities of the Pan Hindu
religion, is one of the most poorly understood ones in terms of origins
and history. The sectarian worship of Ganapati and Kumara is
principally extinct. The literature and practices of these cults are
also largely unknown to most Hindus.

Some words about Buddhism

In esoteric Buddhism, Ganesh in Japan is pictured as a Twin-God – two figures joined to one, often with sexual connotation. These statues are not seen publicly. In Japan, there are more than 250 temples dedicated to Lord Ganesh and He has names such as Kanki-Ten, Kangi-Ten, Shooten, Vinayaaka, or Daishoo Kangiten. In Kamakura (a city in Japan), there is a temple (Hookaij-Ji) with allegedly the oldest statue of Ganesh in Japan; it is locked and supposed to have been preserved locked there from the year 1333. The Twin God is nanten – male, nyoten – female Ganesha. It also represents His/Her ego.

Many historians date the presence of Ganesh in Japan back to times when a great monk – Kukai (774- 834) – started the Shingon sect in Japanese Buddhism. The means of worshiping Ganesha, Ganabachi, Vinayaka or Kangiten embody something that makes this cult different from other Buddhist streams. The teaching, rituals and beliefs of the cult have many parallels with the cult of Ganapatyas

In Ganesha Purana it is written:

At His command Lord Brahma creates the universe. At His command Lord Visnu maintains the universe. At His command Lord Siva destroys the universe. At His command the Sun, Lord of the day, moves throughout the universe. At His command Vayu directs the wind. At His command Varuna causes the waters to flow in all directions. At His command the stars shine in the sky. At His command Agni burns in the three worlds…

Symbolism of Ganesh

Ganesha is the first sound, OM, in which all hymns were born. When Shakti – (Energy) and Shiva (Matter) meet, Sound (Ganesh) and Light (Skanda) are born. The number FOUR is the principle message of swastika. Ganesha’s head symbolizes atman. His big body represents the earthly existence of humankind, but also maya – “illusion of this world”. His elephant head indicates that He is the wisest and most powerful Being among animals; His wide ears indicate that He is able to hear anything in the universe…

This God wrote Mahabharata as a scribe when the sage Vyasa dictated this old Indian epos to Him. He has a trident on His forehead, which some authors consider to be a link to Atlantis, as it is also Poseidon’s symbol (Greek god of the sea).
Swastika is in His right hand; the mouse at the bottom of His body indicates that He can get secretly anywhere.


Very interesting is the fact that some ancient manuscripts, or preserved oral heritage of various tribes contain information about “mythical twins” in reference to the beginning of the world – Creation of life. Allegedly, also the Hopi Tribe has a prophecy about the Twin Warriors… In the culture of the Toltecs, Quetzalcoatl was considered the God of the morning star and his twin brother, Xolotl, the God of the evening star…
Skanda (but also Subrahmanya, Kumara, Arumugan, Shanmugan, Murugan, Guha…) belongs to the Shaiva system. … Ramayana has chapters on His birth. The Sanskrit epics and Puranas seem to indicate that He was the eldest son of Shiva, as the tale of Shiva’s marriage to Parvati indicates.

Skanda, the second son of Shiva, and the younger brother of Ganesha – but some scholars oppose this view and consider Skanda to be older than Ganesha, is also known as Kumara, Karttikeya, Shanmukha, Subrahmanya, and He has many other names. His weapon is a spear and He is considered to be a war God. He has a strong support in South Asia (South of India – Indian state Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Singapore…)

Followers of this God consider Him to be an Avatar of Lord Shiva. All incarnations are manifestations of the One Supreme God. They also think that Lord Skanda and Lord Krishna are one, and as evidence they use this verse from Bhagavadgita (Chapter 10), where Lord Krishna says this to Arjuna: ” Senaninam Aharn Skandah ,”- “Of the Generals, I am Skanda.”

Sadkona Yantra

Yantra is a symbolic visualization of a deity; yatras often look like a matrix with geometrical lines and when we visualize it in our mind, we clear the path on our way to God (mantra is a sound, usually a holy word, a syllable, or a sequence of such words we repeatedly pronounce, most frequently in Sanskrit.).

Skanda emerged from the light of the six Shiva’s sparks, which flashed from the Lord Shiva’s Third Eye, and Skanda Yantra is almost identical to the famous hexagram – the “Jewish Star”, or the Star of David. The Seal of Solomon also contained the hexagram image – the “yantra” of the Biblical God YHVH (the word “yantra” is not used in Jewish-Christian religions, though).

The Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command demons, or to do other miraculous things. The God’s name – Tetragrammaton (“word with four letters” – YHVH) – was written on it. The identify of the holy depiction of the God Skanda’s symbol with the Jewish and Christian God, too – Sadkona Yantra – gives a strong tinge to any argumentation in favor of the fact that humankind has one common history and that the same God spoke to Jews and to other people on this Earth in ancient times.

It is known that Ganesha had esoteric worshippers who worshipped Him like linga. This cult was one of the few PRIMARY tantric traditions.
To say it very simply, tantra is worshiping of God; it is derived of a “dialogue” or “communication” between Shiva and Shakti when they “go crazy” in love; this way of knowing opens a secret door both for our mind and body.

vAmAchArA tantra or black magic

You can see demons every day on TV. Guns, guns, and guns. Politics is not any exception. If anybody is stumped to death, an hour later someone else is killed. Do you think that it is not possible to lose a navigation ability in distinguishing between the “evil” and the “good” in the era of Kali Yuga the entities of which, mostly governed by those who hypocritically proclaim Christian values, want to make of you an image of themselves?

The cult of Ganapati has many hidden mysteries. In ancient times, the origin of this cult could be traced to the era of Sage Yajnavalkya, who is distinguished both in the Shrutis and in the Smritis. Then one of the important leaders of the cult was girijAsuta, who founded the Mahaganapati sect. The other great Acharya was Herambasuta, who founded the vAmAchArA cult, which may seem very obscene for most Hindus.

“Gana” means a group or host. Ganapati was decapitated and reanimated by Shiva, who returned home from outside, but Ganesh – created by the Shiva’s consort, Parvati – wanted to stop Him. Shiva got infuriated and severed Ganesha’s head with His trident. Parvati demanded that Shiva restore Ganesha’s life, but Shiva could not find the head. Instead, it was an elephant that came into His view. After decapitating it, Ganesh received a new head and was reanimated.

Shiva has coarse manners sometimes. His followers do not wear splendid garments; they do not drive expensive cars. Shiva has also skulls and cobras around His neck and His manners are startling even for gods. His adherents wear Holy Ash on their bodies – this only typifies simplicity and self-dependence even in time when fire burns everything to the ground.

First Christians also used the swastika symbol, but official church statements are not in favor of looking for one identity of God who appeared to people in ancient times; they rather think that people used various symbols and that is all.
Pictures on this website show more swastikas in Jesus’ tomb in Jerusalem – the one you can see here:

Abuse of swastika

Not all people do know that Adolf Hitler was a mystical lunatic who used various elements of occultism to set up a bizarre theory about the ancient advent of a “higher race” the origin of which was the far north. A nonsensical term appeared – the “Aryan race”, which Hinduism rather condemns, as there is not such a thing. We know a lot of things about the Nazi brutality, but the Nazi ideology was based on occultism and this is something most of us do not know. Superpowers have kept secret some of their documents until today.
In his attempt to initiate a contact with this race, Hitler invested to the research of South America and Tibet more than are Hollywood’s costs for one-year production today. Superpowers found Tibetan monks in Berlin at the end of World War II.

The first element of the Nazi occultism was built upon a reference about a mythical land – Hyperborea-Thule, which is also analogical to Plato’s Atlantis, but with one difference – Herodotus described an Egyptian legend about a continent Hyperborea existing somewhere in the far north. Thus, a Thule society (Thule-Gesellschaft) was founded in 1918, and its mainmast stood on the above-mentioned notion that Germans are descendants from this continent.

Thule-Gesellschaft and its occult offshoots used several intriguing aspects in coloring these occult skins – one of them was a belief that our Earth is hollow and that “a race” could live, or once lived, in its bowels, and this race – the “Aryan race”- left some hallmarks here… Thus, Germans as “their” descendants are, as a matter of fact, offshoots of this SUPER RACE; better than Slavs, Indians, Jews…

Swastika is the ancient symbol of prosperity, innocence and good life, but Nazis used this symbol to spread it viciously worldwide contrary to the meaning it (swastika) represents. The “super race” had once used this symbol all over the Earth, for the existence of which the Nazis had “proofs” – “they” left this holy sign in Tibet; “they” marked South America with this symbol.