My Home Remedy For Stretch Marks

Expensive laser surgery is out of reach for many, but can home remedy for stretch marks offer a real alternative at not only removing existing stretch marks, but also preventing them from ever appearing?

A home remedy for stretch marks has been a holy grail for many women and men throughout the world and we are about to show you some home remedy methods that can help the fight.

Your diet can play a big part reducing stretch marks. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and E will provide nutrients for your skin and help it remain elastic. These vitamins can be found in fruits, vegetables almonds, fish and eggs.

Water Therapy
Keeping your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water will keep your skin healthy and elastic which will help reduce your skin stretching and scarring.

Aloe Vera has been used for centuries by doctors and armies for its healing and soothing components. What many people don’t know is that Aloe Vera when applied to the skin is also is great at diminishing existing marks and stopping them from ever appearing on your body.

Using both tea tree oil and cocoa butter together as a moisturiser and applied directly onto the skin can reduce the sight of and also keeps the skin supple and elastic helping prevent future stretch marks from appearing.

Prevention is far better than a cure when combating any skin related blemish. The above homes remedies for stretch marks offer limited protection and can help diminish existing stretch marks. A real alternative to expensive laser surgery and more effective is is Revitol stretch mark removal and prevention cream.