Passive Online Profits: Company, Product, Compensation Plan

Passive Online Profits is a brand new company that has only just launched. Basically it is a fully automated voice broadcasting piece of software combined with an opportunity for individuals to start their own home based business promoting the product to others and getting paid commissions for each new member that they enroll. The software can benefit any internet marketer struggling to get traffic to their sites and ultimately sales.

The pre-launch cost to enroll was $97 but has been increased to $497 now that the company has launched and for that price you receive a voice broadcasting system complete with 5,000 leads that you can market to. You also get your own lead capture page and auto responder so that you can track your visitors and follow up potential customers.

In addition there is access to live weekly training webinars plus 24 hour support. Passive Online Profits reckon that the whole package of tools that you will receive to help grow your existing business is worth about $3,000. Apparently the system works at the touch of a button and will keep on working even while you’re sleeping and you can expect to earn $400 in commissions automatically and receive a weekly pay check.

I have seen many companies such as Passive Online Profits come and go although it is early days yet to make any real judgment. However, nothing is ever as easy as simply pushing a few buttons and then sitting back watching the sales come in. In order to build a successful team an individual is going to need to know how to send traffic to a website or landing page and how to convert that traffic into sales. This is a legitimate opportunity but you should always dig deeper and do your homework before you dive into anything.