Hoarding and Clutter – 3 Amazing Tips to Release Negative Emotions

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by emotions, especially when decluttering? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by negative emotions that you cannot function? Many times my clients have told me that they experience a triggering emotion that results in a barrage of past emotions, which can be absolutely overwhelming. I will help you identify what triggers your negative emotions, and I will give some tips that may help you release those emotions. Ultimately this can free you from the negative emotions that have been holding you prisoner.

A key point is that there are distinct triggers. Those triggers vary for each individual person. Different triggers may bring up the same negative emotions. For example, one client felt negatively overwhelmed when she lost her job of 25 years. Then she felt the same overwhelming negative emotions later in her life when her plans fell through for the evening.

I have noted that the same trigger may manifest completely differently in different people. For example, one of my clients had very painful memories of her childhood abuse. She manifested her negative emotions by comforting herself with food to the point that she became super morbidly obese to the size of more than 800lbs. Yet another client who had very similar childhood abuse manifested her emotions by being overly controlling and a perfectionist to the point it was painful and destructive. Similarly, yet another client with similar childhood abuses manifested her negative emotions in cluttering and hoarding.

First Step: Identify Your Triggers

It is important to get in touch with your emotions. It may help you recognize early on the negative feelings that you may experience each time something goes on in your life. What are those negative emotions? What do they feel like? Where are they at in your body? Where are they from? How did they get there? And most importantly what do I do to change them?

Tip One: Switch to Positive

First identify what is not pleasing to you. Now I would like you to take a deep breath and as you exhale, think about what exactly in your day was really good. Good you say? Yes good! There has to be something in your day that was good. Make your mind find a positive. At least one! Now think about that and breathe. After you have had a moment of positive emotional charging, if you still feel you can’t shake those negative emotions. I have a little tip that has helped so many and it may help you too.

Tip Two: Negative Emotion Release

This form of release is similar to a purging of the soul’s most inner negatives. Find your nearest and dearest kind listening ear and let them know that they do not need to fix anything. All you need is an ear to listen or a good journal to write in. Now reach deep within yourself and search the inner most part of your being. Identify all those emotions that have kept you imprisoned deep within your soul.

These negative emotions seem to loom just below the surface waiting for something or someone to come along and stir them up. Now talk the person’s ear off or write away in your journal. Get it out. Release all those things from past to present that are triggering these emotions and identify them.

Go on an emotional release for around 5 minutes. Any more may just be too overwhelming for you and for your listener too. And I am sure by that time your hand will be getting tired from writing if you are using a journal.

Tip Three: Close Your Eyes & Pull Out The Negative Emotions From The Body

It is best if you can be a place where it is quiet and you can relax. Gently close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax. Now think about where you feel the negative emotion. Imagine what size it is and what color it is. When you have located it, imagine you reach within yourself and begin to pull it out. Continue doing this until you feel the release. You may feel a shift of emotions. You may also feel exhausted or emptiness. If you feel emptiness, I suggest you fill that emptiness with love and light. This can be done whenever you need to and can take just a few moments. Feel free to experiment with this technique and adjust it to fit your needs.

Now take a deep breath and see if you feel a little lighter. You may even experience a feeling of overwhelming joy. You may even feel a sense of freeing the soul from its shackles. You may notice that you can breathe deeper. Your head, chest or body in general may feel lighter as well as your mood, too.