Do Looks Matter?

This has been an ongoing debate. Do looks matter? Is the quality of your life determined by your looks? I will give my honest answer, yes. In some cases, to a certain extent, looks do matter. A lot of people do judge you based on what you see. A lot of people pick their mates based on how they look to a certain extent. Looks especially matter when you are trying to get a job, even more so than when you are trying to get a date.

It is nothing to despair about. A lot of people think about good genes, pretty face, and nice body when they think about looks. While these do contribute to looks, they are not necessary for acceptance, (well the pretty face at least). I’ll let you in on a secret, it is not what you have, but it is what you do with what you have.

Let’s say you are one of those guys who are overweight and they have a round appearance. Are you doomed to a lower quality life? Not necessarily. There are tons of people who are heavier yet they attract wealth, great friends and lots of attractive dates. How do they do that, they know how to work what they have. They have their hair done right, they wear clean clothes and they have a great personable disposition. In other words they are secure in who they are because they are making the most of what they have and they know it. When you are making what you have work for you it shows and that can count as looks.

On the other hand we have the other guy, handsome face, great body, yet he doesn’t seem to have anything going for him. He attracts bad fortune. the ladies do not like him, they find him creepy, or otherwise he just rubs them the wrong way. One possibility is that he is not making the most of what he has. He has a negative attitude. A rather stuck up and rude demeanor. His overall personality just puts people off. It is possible that he is very insecure and it somehow shows. There’s another example of looks.

A lot of looks is body language and facial expression. Be honest with me, if you had to choose, who would you go for, the smoking hot lady with the evil threatening dirty look, or the slightly overweight (or just healthier) woman with a peaceful positive personality?

The smoking hot evil lady?!!!!! Oh, that’s right, we’re men, so we pick based solely on what the woman looks like. Just because we’re men doesn’t mean we are superficial. Because the bigger woman with the peaceful personality is a lot more fun to be around, she may end up with the better men as opposed to the more men like the evil hot lady has who more likely just use her to satisfy their own lusts.

So in conclusion, looks do matter, but it is not the looks you were born with like genetics, it is what you do with those looks that matters.